COB Welcomes Rhea Lana Riner for Allison Entrepreneurial Speaker Series

The University of Central Arkansas (UCA) College of Business invited Rhea Lana Riner, founder of “Rhea Lana” Children’s Consignment, as the featured speaker for the John W. Allison Entrepreneurial Speaker Series on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

Students, faculty, and community members gathered to hear Riner share about how the sale for gently used children’s clothes, toys, and accessories outgrew their family living room and is now hosted at the Conway Expo Center twice per year.

Mrs. Rhea Lana Riner pictured with Dr. Tracy Suter, Chair of the Marketing and Management department at UCA

A stay-at-home mom, Riner began the small sale in 1997 to help her family and friends reduce the cost of children’s clothing and other items. Her husband Dave’s love of technology helped her namesake company grow from a few consigners to over 2,500. She explained how her strategy and leadership has grown over the years.

“My family is the reason I started doing this, but I also love helping other families,” said Riner. She added that when the company began franchising in 2008, she discovered her passion for mentoring other women to become business owners.

When asked her advice for new entrepreneurs, Riner said, “outwork everybody you know.”

The UCA Marketing and Management Department has studied Riner’s success as an entrepreneur as well challenges endured such as the company’s investigation by the Department of Labor. Several faculty members submitted a case study to the Journal of Critical Incidents about the court proceedings. Riner spoke for a short time about the challenges of the nine-year court battle, saying that the company is now better than ever.

“Hosting Rhea Lana Riner today is significant. We’ve submitted a case study about her work, and it was incredible to hear her experience directly from her,” said Dr. Tracy Suter, Chair of the Marketing and Management department at UCA. “We hope to continue this pattern of producing case studies about successful Arkansas entrepreneurs and bringing them here to share with our students.”

Rhea Lana staff member and COB alumna shares with current student

The group shared lunch before the presentation and a question and answer session. Riner also brought several of her staff, which allowed one alumna of the UCA business program to share her experience as a Rhea Lana employee with current students.

Established in 1969, the UCA College of Business offers 21 undergraduate and graduate degrees and certificates to equip current and future business professionals to successfully and ethically meet the changing business environment. The AACSB-accredited program offers a thorough business education as well as opportunities for hands-on experience and industry networking.

The John W. Allison Entrepreneurial Speaker Series was created to expose UCA College of Business students to successful men and women who have distinguished themselves in business by their entrepreneurial abilities. All speakers are Arkansans that have been meticulously selected to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs. The series is designed for a small group of select students to allow for greater interaction between the speaker and the students. Speakers for the series have previously included business and community leaders such as: John Allison, Governor Mike Beebe, Kristian Anderson, Governor Mike Huckabee, Todd Ross, Steve Strange, Alex Lieblong, Sheffield Nelson, and others.

COB Faculty & Staff Members Honored with Excellence Awards

Eleven College of Business faculty and staff members were honored in UCA’s opening sessions including: Dr. Michael Hargis, Mrs. Christy Peel, Dr. JiHoon Jhang, Dr. Joe McGarrity, Dr. K. Mike Casey, Dr. Karen Oxner, Mrs. Susan Shaw, Dr. Ben Garner, Dr. Jeremy Horpedahl, Ms. Deanna Abrego, and Dr. Ashley Phillips.

The faculty and staff were recognized for their exemplary service to the students and their peers in the College of Business as well as in their areas of study and impact in the community.

[Read more…]

COB Students Study Abroad in Amsterdam

Thirty students studied abroad in Amsterdam from May 13 to 31, 2024. During this time they visited many historical sites and international businesses, while they earned course credit hours toward their degrees.

Students could enroll in multiple classes (up to 6 hours) and earn credit toward a supply chain, marketing, or management degree.  Students could also choose classes that would fulfill critical inquiry, diversity, and responsible living lower-division core requirements.

Highlights of the trip included:

    • a visit to the Port of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe
    • a walking tour of Amsterdam as well as a canal boat tour and a castle tour
    • a tour of the Intel distribution center, where they learned about microchip production, storage, and distribution
    • a visit to Anne Frank House, where the family hid from the nazis
    • a train to Zaanse Schaans to a tour of a working windmill, observe a craftsman producing wooden shoes, and learn how the Dutch make cheese
    • a guided tour of the Van Gogh museum
    • a lesson about the Dutch Resistance in WWII
    • many cultural cafes and restaurants

The trip was led by two outstanding faculty leaders:

  • Dr. Denise Demers, CHES, Associate Professor and Department Chair in the Health Sciences Department
  • Dr. Doug Voss, COB, Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Scott E. Bennett Arkansas Highway Commission Endowed Chair of Motor Carrier Management

If you missed this trip, be sure to stay tuned for the multiple trips planned for 2025!

Advice from Alumni: Jessica Chavez (BBA ’21)

Jessica Chavez
COB Degree Earned: Bachelors in Business Administration in Spring 2021
Current Career: Senior HR Generalist

What drew you to the business industry?
Growing up as a child of Mexican immigrants in the small town of Lonoke, AR was a unique experience on its own. As I watched my parents take manual labor jobs, I knew from an early age that my career simply couldn’t end after high school. My ambitions were further fueled after learning that they had given up their careers in Mexico to provide me with a better education here. The inspiration they radiate to me is indescribable. I knew my passions would lead me to the right path and right school.

Watching them come home every day with the emotional toll of the prejudice and barriers they faced every day, it was devastating, to say the least. There were days when my mom would come home in tears from the comments made towards her because of her broken English. It made me wonder how I could become part of that change and how could I make an impact to those in the workplace, especially in labor-intensive jobs. It really fed this passion of being able to make the workplace a safer and more desirable place for everyone. [Read more…]

Dr. Michael Casey Assumes Role As COB Interim Dean

Dr. Michael Casey has assumed the role of College of Business (COB) Interim Dean as of July 1, 2024. The change comes as COB’s former Dean, Dr. Michael Hargis, assumed his new position as UCA provost and executive vice president of Academic Affairs.

Dr. Casey brings a vast array of leadership experience, and he is a well-respected faculty member. Dr. Casey completed his Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in finance from Louisiana Tech University in 1996. To date, he has published more than 110 articles in such journals as the Financial Review, the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, and the Journal of Computer Information Systems. He also co-authored two high school personal finance textbooks published by Pearson. Dr. Casey held an Arkansas real estate sales license and was licensed as a registered investment advisor’s representative. His previous work experience is in construction, real estate, and financial services. In addition, he has over 15 years of administrative experience in higher education including ten years at UCA serving as department chair of EFIRM, Associate Dean of the College of Business, and Dean of the College of Business before returning to faculty in 2013.

At the conclusion of the national search for a new COB Dean, Dr. Casey plans to resume his role as Professor of Finance in the College of Business.

Student Success Spotlight: Michael Isaac

Michael Isaac, Senior Economics (Pre-Law track) major, Insurance and Risk management minor

Involved at UCA:
COB Student Ambassador 2022, 2023, 2024
Alumni leader for IDEAL freshman leadership
Community mentor for Build at Carmichael
President of the UCA debate and forensics team

Why did you choose this field of study?
I first studied accounting but later chose economics because I wanted to be able to utilize my knowledge of business on a global scale through the pre-law track.

Tell us about your internship experience.
I’m currently completing an internship. I learned about the Windstream Financial leadership program thanks to our amazing faculty over at Career Services. I chose this internship because I wanted to be able to use my knowledge of accounting in an environment that would help me grow as a professional and also as a leader in business. Here, I am learning that the accounting I have learned so far in the classroom is just the surface of what amazing things we can do with our knowledge base. [Read more…]

Student Success Spotlight: Izzy Saettele

Lilly “Izzy” Saettele, Senior Accounting major, Computer Info Systems minor

Involved at UCA:
Accounting Club President
(Outstanding Accounting Club Member 2024)
Girls Who Code Treasurer
COB Student Ambassador 2022, 2023, 2024
Beta Alpha Psi member
Business Analytics Competition 2023

Why did you choose your field of study?
I was originally a marketing major. During my sophomore fall semester, I had to take Accounting 1, and I was absolutely dreading it. Once I got into it, I found that not only is it not that bad, I really enjoyed it. Before the end of the semester, I officially changed my major. [Read more…]

Business Students Join Analytics Competition at Manhattan College in NY

For the second year in a row, a UCA student team has competed in the business analytics competition at Manhattan College. Students in the CISA 4V71 Project Course began in February to analyze the dataset provided by the competition. After months of preparing, teams presented their results to a UCA committee in the form of a poster on May 1. Once the winning team was announced, they began preparing for competition against other university teams in New York City. [Read more…]

CISA Faculty & Students Present at Southwest Decision Sciences Institute

Fourteen UCA College of Business students and eight faculty members from the College of Business had their research presented at the 53rd Meeting of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) in Galveston, Texas (April 10-13, 2024). Carla Barber was presented the Outstanding Educator award.

Carla Barber pictured on right

Professors Mark McMurtrey, Joe Thomas, Mike Ellis, and Carla Barber represented the Computer Information Systems & Analytics Department. MSADA graduate students included Julian Haessner, Philipp Haessner, Luciana Subirana, and William Pontious,

Pictured L to R: Philipp Haessner, Dr. Mark McMurtrey, and Julian Haessner.

MBA graduate students included Micah Secor, Cynthia Sandefur, Dustin Rigsby, Chris Fisher, Imran Ali, Jose Alonso Rodriguez, Adam Daniel, Madalyn Bass, and Jason Brown (two presentations).

In addition, Professors Alexander Chen, Tracy Suter, and David McCalman from the Department of Marketing and Management had their research presented along with undergraduate student Iffah Ather. Dr. Mike Casey, Interim Dean of the COB, also had a paper presented that was coauthored by Dr. McMurtrey and MBA student Jason Brown.

Philipp Haessner’s presentation was titled “The Use of Big Data in the Retail Industry” and Julian Haessner’s was called “The Art and Challenges of Privacy-Preserving Data Visualizations in Healthcare and Medicine.” The Haessners co-authored these projects with Dr. Joe Thomas.


Junior CISA major Abby Bounds Awarded for Outstanding Community Outreach by a Student

Abby Bounds, a junior Computer Information Systems and Analytics (CISA) major and the President of Girls Who Code, was presented with the Outstanding Community Outreach by a Student at the 2024 University of Central Arkansas Student Involvement Awards on Thursday, April 25.

This award is presented to a student who prioritizes volunteerism and service to UCA and the local community. It is given to a student who has made an impact within an organization by leading with courage and being a positive role model to others. [Read more…]