Dyslexia Endorsement

The Department of Elementary, Literacy, and Special Education (ELSE) offers coursework for the dyslexia endorsement as an integrated part of the M.S.E. in Literacy or as a graduate certificate program of study.  For more information about coursework for these options, click here.

In addition to completing the coursework …

Per the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) rules, a passing score on a currently used Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) exam is required to add an area to an existing license when an approved content area exam is not available.  Currently, there is no Praxis exam specifically for the dyslexia endorsement; therefore, a passing PLT score is required to add this endorsement.

Which Praxis PLT exams can be accepted for the dyslexia endorsement?

To add the dyslexia endorsement to an existing teaching license, candidates must have passing scores on one of the currently used Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching exams listed below.

  • Praxis PLT: Grades K-6 (Test 5622)
  • Praxis PLT: Grades 5-9 (Test 5623)
  • Praxis PLT: Grades 7-12 (Test 5624)
  • Praxis PLT: Early Childhood (Test 5621)

NOTE:  Praxis 5621, 5623, and 5624 began September 2011.  Praxis 5622 began September 2013.  If you took a PLT before these dates, it is likely your Praxis PLT has expired.

Where can I get more information or study materials?

The links below provide more information and study guides for the current Principles of Learning and Teaching exams.

[Test Code 5622] Principles of Learning and Teaching:  Grades K-6
[Test Code 5623] Principles of Learning and Teaching:  Grades 5-9
[Test Code 5624] Principles of Learning and Teaching:  Grades 7-12

What should I do if I have a passing score on a current PLT exam?

Submit a copy of your score report to the Office of Candidate Services.

Deliver:  119 Mashburn Hall
Mail:  College of Education, 201 Donaghey Avenue, Conway, AR 72035
Email:  garyb@uca.edu

How can I get a copy of my PLT score report?

If you have passed one of the current PLT exams but no longer have a copy of your score report, choose one of the options below.

  • Contact ETS.  Information available here.
  • If you have previously sent your scores to the Arkansas Department of Education, you can request a record of your scores by submitting the form available here.

How do I register to take the Principles of Learning and Teaching exam?

Visit the site below. During the registration process, select recipient code 6012 (R6012) to have your score automatically sent to the Office of Candidate Services.


What is the deadline for passing the test?

To be recommended for the dyslexia endorsement, a candidate must complete the required coursework and have a passing score on a current PLT.  Ideally, the PLT should be passed before the completion of the last class so that the recommendation for the endorsement can be submitted at that time.

If the PLT is not passed at the time coursework is completed, the endorsement application will be held until a passing score is submitted to the Office of Candidate Services.  Once both the completed coursework and passing score is available, the application will be sent to the Arkansas Department of Education.