International Student Merit Scholarship

The Center for Global Learning & Engagement (CGLE) is pleased to offer the International Student Merit Scholarship to outstanding international students. This scholarship is awarded for up to 8 consecutive semesters or completion of a bachelor’s degree, whichever happens first, to eligible first-time degree-seeking international students beginning an undergraduate program of study at UCA. The scholarship award is $4,000 per semester for a maximum award of $32,000.  Please see below for a full list of eligibility requirements and the application process.  
 Scholarship Timeline:
Scholarship opens: October 1st
Scholarship deadline: January 31st
Eligibility notifications: March 1st
Award Notifications: April 1st

 Eligibility Requirements:

  • The university admission application and all required documents must be submitted by January 31.
  • Applicants must be applying for admission for the Fall semester.  Spring applicants are not eligible.
  • The scholarship application must be submitted by January 31.
  • Only new international students seeking a degree in a UCA undergraduate program of study are eligible.
  • Students must meet the English Proficiency minimum scores and one of the following academic criteria:
    • 3.25 GPA, as calculated by UCA
    • SAT 1160 (super score); UCA code 6012*
    • ACT 24; UCA code 0118*

*The ACT/SAT test must have been taken within the last five (5) years. The test scores must be submitted officially through the testing center using the above codes for UCA.

Scholarship Application Process:

  1. Complete the university admission application including providing all required documents 
  2. Complete the scholarship application and upload the following required documents to the application:
    • An essay (250 word maximum) should be written in English and should describe the career goals you hope to achieve as a result of your studying at the University of Central Arkansas. DO NOT SUBMIT AN ADMISSION ESSAY AS YOUR SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY.
    • One letter of recommendation is required from a teacher who knew you well and can speak to your academic performance. The letter should be signed by the teacher and if possible on letterhead.
    • A resume (2 page maximum) highlighting your participation in extracurricular activities and community service.
The following students are not eligible:
  • Students who are currently or have previously been enrolled at the University of Central Arkansas
  • Students applying for admission into the Intensive English Program
  • Students applying as a Visiting student
  • Students receiving a scholarship award from another UCA department
  • Students applying for a Graduate program
Award Amount:

Recipients will receive an award not to exceed $4,000 for the fall semester.  If renewal requirements are met, the scholarship will be awarded up to 8 consecutive semesters or completion of a bachelor’s degree whichever happens first.  Awards will be applied to the recipients’ university account each semester after verification of enrollment is completed. Summer terms and intercessions are not covered.

Award amounts may be lower depending on factors such as:

  • Actual enrollment (with the approval by CGLE)
  • Availability of funding
  • Scholarship Committee review
Renewal Requirements:

The Merit Scholarship may be awarded for up to 8 consecutive semesters or through completion of a bachelor’s degree whichever happens first. Renewal of the scholarship will occur for subsequent semesters when the following are confirmed:

  • Recipients must maintain a minimum 3.0 UCA cumulative undergraduate GPA each semester
  • Minimum of 12 Undergraduate credit hours earned each semester, unless approved by CGLE when a student in in last semester of degree
  • A student is considered to be in good immigration status
  • A student is in good academic standing as defined by the current Undergraduate Bulletin
Additional Rules:
  • Recipients of the Merit Scholarship will assist the Center for Global Learning and Engagement (CGLE) during the award period to coordinate cultural events and/or actively participate in one project per semester.
  • Only Fall and Spring semesters are covered by the scholarship. Summer terms and intersessions are not covered.
  • All awards are contingent upon review by the Compliance Office and subject to applicable University policies
  • Students must enroll in a minimum of 12 UCA undergraduate credit hours
  • On campus instruction is required; students enrolled in online courses from their home country are not eligible
  • Students may not receive more than one scholarship from the Center of Global Learning & Engagement
  • Students who change to Permanent Resident or another US citizenship status will no longer receive the scholarship