The Global Community Fund is an endowed fund of the University of Central Arkansas Foundation, Inc. This fund is created for the purpose of supporting international students attending the University of Central Arkansas. Endowment of the fund was achieved in 2021.
- helping with unexpected bills
- providing emergency living expenses (food, winter coats, etc.)
- defraying costs of expensive co-pays for medication (insulin, etc.)
- helping with travel costs to foreign consulates and embassies in US for passport renewal
- creating new international initiatives that help our students thrive
For more information on the Global Community Fund contact Dr. Phillip Bailey, Associate Vice President for Center for Global Learning and Engagement at
Arkansas Chinese Heritage Project, an expendable fund in the UCA Foundation.
- Transport students and scholars to interview sites around the state to empower community members to share their stories
- Record interviews and digitize photographs in the highest-possible quality
- Design and maintain an online oral history archive
- Create exhibits to share Chinese history in Arkansas with the broader public
For more information on the Arkansas Chinese Heritage Project contact Dr. Zachary Smith, Associate Professor of History, at