Student Success Spotlight: Izzy Saettele

Lilly “Izzy” Saettele, Senior Accounting major, Computer Info Systems minor

Involved at UCA:
Accounting Club President
(Outstanding Accounting Club Member 2024)
Girls Who Code Treasurer
COB Student Ambassador 2022, 2023, 2024
Beta Alpha Psi member
Business Analytics Competition 2023

Why did you choose your field of study?
I was originally a marketing major. During my sophomore fall semester, I had to take Accounting 1, and I was absolutely dreading it. Once I got into it, I found that not only is it not that bad, I really enjoyed it. Before the end of the semester, I officially changed my major. [Read more…]

UCA College of Business Announces Outstanding Students of 2023-2024 Academic Year

At its annual Outstanding Student Awards Banquet, the UCA College of Business recently announced and celebrated the Outstanding Students selected for the 2023-2024 academic year. The awards given celebrate students who stood out this year in our academic programs and registered student organizations. The following selected students were selected because they have optimized their education by combining exemplary academic performance with internships, volunteerism, professional development, experiential education, and participation in clubs and other important experiences.

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