Thesis and Dissertation

Task To Be CompletedSpring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025
Last day to defend a thesis or dissertation. Note: Your program may have an earlier deadline. Extensions may be requested by your committee chairperson via email.4/4/257/11/2511/13/25
Upload document to ProQuest for review by Graduate School Dean.4/11/257/18/2511/22/25
Printed final copy due to the Graduate School. See guide for details.4/28/258/4/2512/8/2025

Thesis – Each graduate program determines whether they require, or provide an option for, master’s students to submit a thesis.
Dissertation – All Ph.D. candidates will complete a dissertation.

Thesis and Dissertation Guide

The Thesis Dissertation Guide outlines the general timeline, policies, and procedures for producing a thesis or dissertation at the University of Central Arkansas. It is important to read and understand fully the contents of the manual.

What are my responsibilities?
  1. Doctoral and master’s students must complete and submit for approval a Thesis/Dissertation Defense Approval Form.  All committee members must have current Graduate Faculty status at UCA.  Selection criteria for committee members are described in the Thesis Dissertation Guide
  2. Students and faculty will work with the Research Compliance Officer to comply with all university policies regarding research and the use of human subjects and animals in the research.
Thesis and Dissertation Forms
      • Memorandum  – For recording the completion/in-completion of thesis/dissertation defense, comprehensive exams, portfolio requirements, exit requirements, etc.
The library is no longer able to offer thesis/dissertation binding for students.  Personal bound copies, including copies that you may want to provide for faculty or the department, can be ordered through ProQuest.