Welcome to the Office of Research Compliance
Research is the pathway to innovation in scientific and academic activities. In keeping with the core values of the University of Central Arkansas to maintain an atmosphere of intellectual excellence and integrity, the Office of Research Compliance provides support to faculty, students, and staff in their research endeavors. We work with faculty oversight committees to promote ethical and responsible conduct of research in the realms of human and animal subjects protections, conflicts of interest, intellectual property, and export control.
All members of the University community share responsibility for maintaining a climate of trust between scholars, researchers, and students, and between the academic community and the public. The Office of Research Compliance supports the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that all institutional, state, and federal regulations are being followed, while at the same time developing a system wherein all UCA researchers have adequate tools, knowledge, and support to maintain the highest ethical and legal standards of research conduct.