Student Success Spotlight: Michael Isaac

Michael Isaac, Senior Economics (Pre-Law track) major, Insurance and Risk management minor

Involved at UCA:
COB Student Ambassador 2022, 2023, 2024
Alumni leader for IDEAL freshman leadership
Community mentor for Build at Carmichael
President of the UCA debate and forensics team

Why did you choose this field of study?
I first studied accounting but later chose economics because I wanted to be able to utilize my knowledge of business on a global scale through the pre-law track.

Tell us about your internship experience.
I’m currently completing an internship. I learned about the Windstream Financial leadership program thanks to our amazing faculty over at Career Services. I chose this internship because I wanted to be able to use my knowledge of accounting in an environment that would help me grow as a professional and also as a leader in business. Here, I am learning that the accounting I have learned so far in the classroom is just the surface of what amazing things we can do with our knowledge base. [Read more…]

Student Success Spotlight: Izzy Saettele

Lilly “Izzy” Saettele, Senior Accounting major, Computer Info Systems minor

Involved at UCA:
Accounting Club President
(Outstanding Accounting Club Member 2024)
Girls Who Code Treasurer
COB Student Ambassador 2022, 2023, 2024
Beta Alpha Psi member
Business Analytics Competition 2023

Why did you choose your field of study?
I was originally a marketing major. During my sophomore fall semester, I had to take Accounting 1, and I was absolutely dreading it. Once I got into it, I found that not only is it not that bad, I really enjoyed it. Before the end of the semester, I officially changed my major. [Read more…]