Millie Goins

Assistant Director - Student Wellness and Programs

HPER 127

(501) 470-7587

Millie is passionate about wellness and student development. She has an extensive background in public health and nutrition across multiple industries and loves to translate knowledge into life application. She has a healthy obsession with setting communities up to win and has multiple certifications and specializations, including wellness coaching, regenerative nutrition, and is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Fortunately, her path led her to the University Of Central Arkansas where she is conducting programs with focus on student wellness. Her objective is for the campus to experience a transformative journey with Student Wellness, where learning transcends the classroom and holistic wellness becomes a vibrant part of their collegiate adventure by offering enriching experiences designed to enhance every dimension of well-being and elevate their quality of life. Millie embraces the dynamic fusion of wellness dimensions, and creates a campus culture that celebrates and supports students’ full potential. She is committed to making their college experience not just educational, but truly exhilarating and life-enriching. This is achieved by connecting and cultivating  an environment that nurtures every aspect of  wellness and empowers excellence in all areas of life.

Schedule time with Millie Goins