Deadlines for Submitting GA Paperwork
In order to be reviewed in a timely manner, GA hiring documents should be submitted prior to these deadlines.
Fall (for returning GAs) | April 15th |
Fall (first-time GAs) | July 1st |
Spring | November 1st |
Summer | April 15th |
What are the eligibility requirements for a Graduate Assistantship (GA)?
- Admission with full qualifications
- Enrolled as a full-time student (full-time GAs) with a minimum of 9 graduate credit hours in fall & spring, or one class in any summer session. Students in their last 12 hours or those who have only thesis/dissertation hours remaining, need only enroll in the hours needed to complete the degree.
- Good academic standing- minimum 3.0 cumulative and major GPA
- Selection by the department or office
Failure to meet the requirements of good academic standing, or meet minimum enrollment requirements will result in the loss of the GA. Loss or termination of a graduate assistant prior to the end of a semester would, if a GA tuition scholarship or out-of-state fee waiver had been awarded, require the award be prorated for only the number of days for which the student had actually worked. For additional information, review the Graduate Assistant Policy and Procedure Manual.
How do I find students to fill GA positions in my department or program?
- Students are responsible for obtaining their own GA positions and are encouraged to be proactive in seeking an appointment. They may contact any department in which they are interested and provide a G.A. application form and resume for consideration.
- If you need to advertise an open GA position on the UCA careers website, you should create a job posting through People
Admin Applicant Tracking.
How do I fund a G.A. position?
- Academic departments with graduate programs may receive institutional funds annually for graduate assistantships from the Graduate School. Allocations are determined annually by the Graduate Dean and funded departments will receive notification yearly from the Graduate School.
- External grants are an excellent option for funding GA positions.
- For qualified students, part-time teaching funds may be used for GAs who teach.
What is the process for awarding a GA?
- Hiring units should interview students prior to selecting a candidate. If you will be including a tuition scholarship in conjunction with the GA, the selection of a student should be made by a committee. During the interview, full disclosure of the GA’s duties and responsibilities, work schedule and hours, and evaluation process should be made. Offers should not be made at this time.
- Once you have selected a candidate, submit the appropriate hiring document. Use a People Admin hiring proposal for new GA hires and a PAF for GA reappointments.
- Once the hiring document is received by the Graduate School, the student’s eligibility will be reviewed and if qualified, the student will receive an email from the Graduate School to their cub email account outlining your offer. Students are directed to reply to the offer and to contact your department for further instructions. You will be notified if the candidate does NOT meet eligibility requirements.
What are the responsibilities of hiring departments and supervisors?
- Supervisors should cover all these topics prior to selecting a GA: responsibilities and expectations, hours of work, work schedule (i.e. spring break, holidays, length of GA appointment dates, etc.), pay schedule, tuition scholarship, and out-of-state fee waivers (if appropriate).
- GA positions should enhance and augment the student’s educational experience. Supervisors should mentor and provide training for GAs. Periodic evaluations should be conducted which offer an opportunity for feedback from the student.
- Should a student terminate or fall out of compliance with all GA eligibility requirements, the Graduate School and Payroll office should be notified immediately.
How should I evaluate my GA, as stated above and in the GA manual?
- Periodic evaluations should be conducted which offer an opportunity for feedback from the student.
- Here are some sample forms that could be used for GA evaluations:
- Graduate Assistant Evaluation Form (In WORD format, so can be changed to suit your needs.)
- Sample GA Evaluation from Dept of Psych and Counseling
Where can I find more information?
Resource Guide for Hiring Graduate Assistants