Junior CISA major Abby Bounds Awarded for Outstanding Community Outreach by a Student

Abby Bounds, a junior Computer Information Systems and Analytics (CISA) major and the President of Girls Who Code, was presented with the Outstanding Community Outreach by a Student at the 2024 University of Central Arkansas Student Involvement Awards on Thursday, April 25.

This award is presented to a student who prioritizes volunteerism and service to UCA and the local community. It is given to a student who has made an impact within an organization by leading with courage and being a positive role model to others. [Read more…]

Business & STEM Students Participate in Eclipse Celebrations Led by CISA Prof. Susan Shaw

Monday was a beautiful day for Total Eclipse fun at UCA, and CISA Prof. Susan Shaw was out on the UCA Stripes with STEM students. The group included 17 “Girls Who Code” members, 11 College of Business students taking CISA classes, 3 Beta Alpha Psi Members, and 3 UCA sorority members.

At the Girls Who Code booth led by President Abby Bounds, the members taught about the significance of [Read more…]

STEM Career Opportunities – Career Fair Oct. 12

Below are names and email addresses of some of the many employers who have signed up to attend the upcoming STEM Career Fair scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 12, in the Student Center, from 9 – 12.  E-mail these individuals a short note telling them you have interest in their organization and  that you look forward to meeting them at the career fair.  Attach a resume and cc kathyc@uca.edu.  This will allow you to start networking with employers early.  On the day of the career fair, when you visit with them, employers will recognize how proactive you are in pursuing employment with their organization.   Dr. Kathy Clayborn will follow up with them for you at the Career Fair, too.   A complete list of employers will be sent to you at a later date.

Acxiom Doneshia Boyd Doneshia.boyd@acxiom.com
ArcBest Amy Douglas adouglas@arcb.com
AR Blue Cross Blue Shield Maria Silva msilva@scheedu.org
CG Infinity DawnMarie Martin Dawn-marie.martin@cginfinity.com
Dillard’s Technology Samantha West-Septer itrecruiting@dillards.com
Euronet Software Solutions Laura O’Neal laoneal@euronetworldwide.com
First Orion Shane Taylor staylor@firstorion.com
Gainwell Technologies Karla DeFreitas defreitas@gainwelltechnologies.com
Hytrol Conveyor Co., Inc. Tammy Abdulghani tabulghani@hytrol.com
J.B. Hunt Transport Jason Alderson Jason.alderson@jbhunt.com
Little Rock Water Reclamation Karen Light Karen.light@lrwu.com
Metova Allison Nicholas allison.nicholas@metova.com
Palmetto Engineering Austin Shaw austin.shaw@palmettoeng.com
Southwest Power Pool Renee McMillen rmcmillen@spp.org
Windstream Communications Megan Mclean Megan.mclean@windstream.com

Alumni Profile: Elian Mackey (’22)

Elian Mackey
Graduated in May 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
Recently honored as 2022’s Outstanding Information Systems Student

What drew you to business? When and how did you know that an education in business is the right fit for you?

I wanted to combine technical skills with business skills. I had a variety of extracurriculars that allowed me to grow as a person while helping me meet new people and build strong connections. That was when I knew this is what I wanted to do.

What have you found useful in the College of Business and why?

  • In my time attending the Business and Information Technology (BIT) Club meetings, I was able to stay updated with the skills different companies are looking for in hiring. I value that time. With the curriculum, classes in the CISA department and in the Math and Computer Science department have given me a wide skill set with experience in Java, SQL, Python, C++ and HTML. I will forever be grateful for my time here.

My advisor has been such an immense help for as long as I can remember. He has always been so supportive, and if I felt like I needed help with my schedule or DegreeWorks, I would never be afraid to contact him.

I recommend the UCA College of Business as there are so many opportunities you can pursue, and the professors are all willing to help get your name out there. A big part of this that I have seen is at the annual STEM career fair.

What tips or advice would you give to new, current, or prospective business students?

Something that I wish I knew during my first year was to start working on my online portfolio early. If you have projects, list them. Join LinkedIn and start making those connections. Go to career fairs and hand out those resumes even if you are not planning on applying for a job. It is important for success in your future college career and your future profession.