20 Million Dollar Grant UCA – CFAC receives a generous gift from the Windgate Foundation

Feature Article » Transformational Windgate Gift By Liz Smith, Associate Chair / Associate Professor of Art, Ceramics » This is an incredibly exciting time in the art department! Change is in the air and we are on a steep upward trajectory! The most significant news of the past few months is … [Read more...]

Graphic Design and Printmaking Students Visit Shooting Star and Yella Dog Presses

Feature Article » By Jessie Hornbrook, Assistant Professor of Art, Printmaking » Field Trip: Arkansas Letterpress Studios Shooting Star Press is owned and operated by John and Robyn Horn, the Horn’s have made it their life’s mission to proselytize for the arts. After a winding, scenic drive … [Read more...]

What is it like to do an internship in New York City?

Feature Article; Internships, Assistantships » By Isabella Cillia, BFA Candidate, Painting » If you are considering applying to BFA program read this! The transition from undergrad to brand new artist in the world is daunting. Not because there isn’t money or jobs in our industry, but because … [Read more...]

Peter Bella, Saying “Hello”

Feature Article » By Peter Bella, Assistant Professor of Art, Graphic Design » “Hello!” I'm Peter Bella, I consider myself an artist, a designer, and a design educator. Currently I’m an Assistant Professor of Art, with a focus in Graphic Design. I have taught a variety of design curriculum … [Read more...]

New Scholarship Established

Feature Article; Internships, Assistantships » By Liz Smith, Associate Chair / Associate Professor of Art, Ceramics » Chautauqua School of Art at VACI Artist-in-Residence program The department of Art at UCA is committed to providing and supporting outstanding creative learning opportunities to … [Read more...]

Sculpture Club; Who we are

Student Perspective, Sculpture » By JR Landers, BFA Candidate, Sculpture » The sculpture club focuses on art making in the three-dimensional realm. Last semester we did an iron pour at Arts Fest here in Conway. This semester we participated in a multi-art club sale for Valentine's Day. Our club … [Read more...]

Baum gallery acquires new works, all direct ties to UCA

Baum Gallery | Blackbox Gallery » By Brian Young, Director, Baum Gallery » New Gifts to the Baum Gallery At the beginning of the fall 2018 semester, the Baum Gallery organized Artistic Processes: Drawings and More. This exhibition featured preparatory work across numerous media including … [Read more...]

Printmakers Making A Collaborative Turn

Student Perspective, Printmaking » By Madison Conklin, BA Candidate, Fine Art | Printmaking Club President » This past October 3-7 ten UCA Print Club members along with two faculty members took a 1,055 mile trek west to Laramie, Wyoming. Printmaking Professor, Jessie Hornbrook, accompanied by … [Read more...]

UCA Celebrates Faculty at Exhibition

Student Perspective » By Christen Danner, » BFA Candidate, Ceramics » Art Faculty Highlighted in Baum Exhibition As an art student at UCA, it is extremely valuable for my peers and myself to see the faculty’s work. I was more than willing to write about this experience because of how excited … [Read more...]

Art Education Club Spring 2019

Student Perspective, Art Education » By Anastasia Neel, BA Candidate, Art Education | Art Education Club President » Events, Community Service and More Last semester was a great way to start off the year for the Art Education Club! We were busy, with Dinner with an Art Teacher, Dr. … [Read more...]