BA Jury Panel

BA Jury Panel for Studio Art Students

The Department of Art and Design requires students graduating with a BA in Art with emphasis Fine Art and BA in Art with emphasis Art Education complete an individual BA Jury Panel review, in their final semester of the program. This process takes place in conjunction with the student’s enrollment in the course BA Assessment & Exhibition. As such the review provides the serious art student with an opportunity to present a portfolio of completed works from a variety of courses for discussion and comment by members of the art & design faculty, and to assist the student in choosing works best suited for the BA Senior Exhibition.

Additionally, the faculty jury panel will also evaluate the student’s ability to demonstrate knowledge regarding their art and design education in the program, whose results will feed back into department curricular evaluations, discussion, and updates. These results may also be used in support of NASAD accreditation reports.





Student & Faculty


Faculty Only


For Faculty Teaching BA Assessment & Exhibition Only