Working with Students

Student Worker Hiring Procedures

Before starting the hiring process for a student worker it is important to discuss with your supervisor any specific needs or expectations for any student workers within your department. You will also need to check your departmental budget for the amount and type of funding your department has, either federal funding, community service federal funding, or institutional funding.

All on-campus employers who plan to hire new student employees will need to participate in the On-Campus Student Employment Job Fair. They are held once in the spring and summer.

If you have any questions, contact Career Services,, or call 450.3250. 

All student worker positions will be listed through People Admin and hired through the same.  

Posting and Hiring Instructions for Student Workers

Student Worker Forms, Instructions & Training

Once you have chosen a student:

Check with financial aid for federal work-study eligibility.  If the student is not eligible for federal funding, then institutional work-study must be used.


Once the student has been approved, you will receive an email from Human Resources (HR). No student may start before you receive this email.

Start dates may only be the 1st or 16th of each month and allow for at least one to two weeks for the paperwork to route through the different departments.

Payroll forms and instructions for tracking student worker hours can be found at Payroll.


The Supervisory Skills Manual contains information that could be helpful to you in welcoming, encouraging, and managing your student worker team.  It is provided as a resource for ideas that might be useful to you throughout the school year.

Suggested trainings:

Complete Step Ahead (student worker training) on the Career Services website and submit certificate to your supervisor Step Ahead Training

Service Excellence is an on-campus seminar, open to anyone who would like to improve their customer service skills. These seminars are offered twice per year for the entire campus population.

Suggested Events for Students:

Career Services hosts Career Fairs each year, please encourage students to attend.   Career Fair Schedule

Graduate Assistant Hiring Procedures

It is best to contact the Graduate School with any questions, but here are some links that might be helpful during that process.

Hiring, Posting and Training for a Graduate Assistant

Graduate School Website

For more information contact the Graduate School office 450-3124.

Additional links

Academic Advising Center




Student Accounts


Student Support Guide
UCA Bear Essentials Food Pantry