Nolan Carter
Associate Professor
Manion 201B
(501) 450-5941
Dr. Carter specializes in bioorganic chemistry. Courses he teaches typically include the Organic Chemistry I/Organic Chemistry II course sequence. His research interests include investigating the role played by free radical intermediates in the damage of biologically important molecules such as DNA and proteins. These radical intermediates can be generated by photochemical activation of chemically synthesized precursor molecules. Dr. Carter is director of the Arkansas Junior Academy of Science.
Syllabi for Courses Taught
Organic Chemistry II: Carter, CHEM 3411, Spring 2019
Organic Spectroscopy: Carter, CHEM 3211, Spring 2019
Organic Chemistry I: Carter, CHEM 2401 Spring 2021
Medicinal Biochemistry: Carter, Isom, Kelley, CHEM 4309, Fall 2018