Living in the What If: Managing Risk in 2020

Cindi Burleson, director of the Center for Insurance & Risk Management

When I was a risk manager there were times I sat with the executive team planning for the future and an idea would be presented that prompted many “what if” questions. A lot of heads would shake and, occasionally some would ask, “Do you have to be in the room?”

Here are some of those questions:

  • What if our servers completely crash and we can’t operate for a time?
  • What if there is a market crash and our investments take a hit that requires months, or even years, to reach a recovery point
  • What if hiring practices we’re considering lead to disgruntled workers?
  • What if there is a pandemic that results in our business being shut down for a long time — for instance, one to six months or longer?

These questions were asked to determine how the company would respond to potential business-disrupting situations. These are low-frequency occurrences that would have a high impact. And this is exactly where many businesses are living today.


Insurance & Risk Manager Director Featured on Insurance Town Podcast

Cynthia Burleson, director of the Center for Insurance & Risk Management in the UCA College of Business, was featured in June on an episode of the Insurance Town podcast.

Cindi Burleson, director of the Center for Insurance & Risk Management

The podcasts talks to personalities and leaders in the Arkansas insurance and risk management industry and is hosted by Heath Shearon. The duo discusses Burleson’s journey from the industry to the classroom, UCA’s involvement in insurance programs and events, the Arkansas Insurance Hall of Fame — housed in the UCA College of Business — and the insurance program’s noteworthy internship program.

The College of Business’ four-year insurance and risk management degree is the only of its kind in the state. The program was designated as a Global Center of Insurance Excellence last year.

Listen to the podcast here.

Hannah Robinson Receives Big I Arkansas Insurance Scholarship

Hannah Robinson, a senior Insurance & Risk Management student in the UCA College of Business, received the Independent Insurance Agents of Arkansas’ Sam Golden Memorial Scholarship on July 15.

The $1,000 scholarship honors the memory of Sam Golden who was a territory manager for Progressive Insurance and advocate of BIG I Arkansas. He also served on the Independent Insurance Agents of Arkansas Education Foundation, which awards the annual scholarship in his name.

Robinson, a White Hall native, is due to graduate in 2021. She currently interns at Union Standard Insurance Group in underwriting.

The Insurance & Risk Management program in UCA was established in 2000. It is the only four-year program of its kind in the state of Arkansas.