Ginny Adams, Ph.D.

Professor and Environmental Science Program Director

LSC 016

(501) 450-5917


Ph.D., Zoology, Southern Illinois University, 2005
Started at UCA in 2003

Courses Taught:

Environmental Practicum


Vertebrate Zoology


Research Website:


Selected Publications:

Cox, C., J. Quinn, L. Lewis, S.R. Adams, and G.L. Adams. Population demographics of American eels in two Arkansas USA watersheds that drain into the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Fish Biology (Accepted with Revisions 2015)
Stearman, L., G.L. Adams, S.R. Adams. Does the ecology of the redfin darter (Etheostoma whipplei) reveal initial effects of nontraditional natural gas exploration? Environmental Biology of Fishes. 98:623-635, 2015
Day, J., J. Gerken, G.L. Adams. Population ecology and seasonal demography of the endangered grotto sculpin (Cottus specus). Ecology of Freshwater Fish, Online 2104