Arrive safely – Driving through the night to make it down to Florida or other sunny destinations is common for spring breakers. However, the National Safety Council says traffic death rates are three times greater at night than during the day. If you cannot avoid night driving, have at least one-person stay awake to talk to driver.
Do not take chances at your hotel. Lock the doors, and secure important belongings like passports and wallets in the safe.
Be smart about who you give personal information out to – do not tell new acquaintances your hotel or room number. You never know who has innocent or dangerous intentions.
Make sure you know the name and address of your hotel or take a hotel business card out with you so you can give to a cab driver. This is especially important if you do not speak the local language.
The Buddy System – it works! We do NOT recommend you leave a party with a stranger, it is always best to take a friend with you. If for whatever reason you do leave without your friends, give them details about where you are going and when to expect you back.
Practice safe drinking – take turns so that one friend in the group per night will plan on minimal drinking to look out for everyone. Other good habits – watching your cup or glass, and only accept drinks that you have watched get made or poured in front of you.
If you need help, ask for it. If there is an emergency, do not rely on a bystander to call for help. Call for help yourself to be sure first responders or police gets the message.
Hydrate & wear sunscreen! Heat stroke and melanoma are not happy spring break thoughts, but too much time in the sun can leave you dehydrated with an increased risk of sunburns. Take your SPF and a bottle of water to the beach!
If travelling outside of the country, be sure to look up the address or contact information for the American consulate or U.S. Embassy in the country where you are headed. Be sure to tell friends and relatives in the U.S. of your travel itinerary and try to check in with them often. Also, take a copy of all credit cards and your passport with you in case they are stolen. Call your credit card and cash cards in advance to let them know you will be out of the country so they will not put a stop on your account. In addition, the best exchange rates are with these cards, not in exchanging dollars for the local currency.
Carry a small, practical, and easy to use personal protection tool like pepper spray or a personal alarm.