The Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Engineering

Why Study Physics and Astronomy at UCA?

UCA provides a balanced program for students. We are large enough to provide a variety of opportunities. You can work with faculty in physical acoustics, biophysics, observational astronomy, astrophysics, physics education, computational physic, or general relativity. UCA is still small enough that the faculty get to know the students.

UCA offers Physics degrees in Traditional Physics, Biophysics, Chemical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Physical Science, Engineering Physics, and General Science.

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What can YOU do with a Physics Degree?

With a degree in physics form the University of Central Arkansas, you have a large variety of opportunities to take advantage of. Out of all Physics undergraduates, after graduation, 52% go straight into the workforce, 31% go into graduate study in Astronomy or Physics, and 17% go into graduate study in other fields. A Physics degree can prepare you to go into graduate school to further your understanding of your field and to prepare you for a more specialized career, but a Physics undergraduate degree can also prepare you to go right into working out of a bachelor’s degree into jobs like education, government, or military.


Want to Know More about the Department?

Our faculty and staff here at UCA work hard to educate and work with the students through the classroom and research. Many alumni of UCA Physics can vouch that their success throughout their own journey’s and careers started here at UCA.

Astronomical Facilities

Here at UCA, we have amazing astronomical facilities, including an observatory and a planetarium. Planetarium shows are free to the public every Friday, and the Planetarium is open to Spring school field trips on Tuesdays


Planetarium Show: {November 17 and 18:  From Earth to the Universe} Starting at 7:00 pm

Get Involved!

In the Physics Department, we have a variety of ways for students to get involved and to get to know the professors and other students here in the department. A couple of our main clubs are SPS and Robotics. SPS is open to all students who are interested in Physics, not just majors, and it’s a great way to meet other like-minded students and to develop many skills needed in a scientific career. Robotics is an amazing way to explore your creativity and engineering capabilities, and it will help develop skills in working with a team.