UCA Piano Preparatory Class (Spring 2024)

UCA Piano Preparatory Class

Spring 2024 Semester


January 16 – April 23 (14 weeks)

Tuesday afternoons 3:50pm-5:00pm – Your student will stay for a 45 minute lesson combination of private and group instruction.


McCastlain Basement – Room 025C


Professor Christine Franklin

UCA Students: Tori Sparks and Camila Canaviri


$300, check to be mailed to the UCA Department of Music or brought to the first class

Checks need to be made out to “University of Central Arkansas”. Please put “UCA Piano Preparatory Program” in the memo line

Possible Performance Opportunities:

April 20, 2024 – UCA Piano Festival

End of Semester Recital – TBA

UCA Piano Preparatory Class (Spring 2024)

    Checks need to be made out to "University of Central Arkansas". Please put "Piano Preparatory Program" in the memo line
    Books will be purchased through Amazon