

The university is a living and learning environment where students strive for independence, develop self–identity, and hope to prove to themselves and others that they are capable of directing their own lives. While the college environment provides students with many freedoms, it must encourage positive behavioral choices and respect for the rights of others. The UCA discipline process emphasizes education by focusing on the growth and development of students, encouraging self-discipline, and fostering respect for others.

Greek organizations were founded upon the high ideals of scholarship, leadership, and service. They were established on university campuses to contribute to the institution’s mission through their membership development programs. Because the university’s primary mission is education, it is the responsibility of fraternities and sororities to encourage an atmosphere of learning, social responsibility, and respect for human development. Greek organizations have a special obligation and opportunity to contribute to the quality of campus life. Traditionally, fraternities and sororities have challenged students to achieve greater heights intellectually, personally, and socially.

Fraternities and sororities offer undergraduates invaluable experience in self-government, which must be responsible and accountable. The unique advantage of a Greek Judicial Board lies in the opportunity for Greek leaders to influence the attitudes and subsequent behavior of their membership through a judicial mechanism. Without question, peer influence, exercised through the disciplinary process, can be more effective in redirecting the behavior patterns of students and organizations than any other method of discipline within the institution.

The success of the Greek Judicial Board depends upon the conviction of its members to maintain a nurturing, academic environment that holds individuals and organizations accountable for decisions that violate institutional guidelines and the laws of the city, country, and state and for behavior that is inconsistent with the values inherent in Greek life.