Université de Mons

University Overview

Université de Mons (UMONS) is a French-speaking university in the province of Hainaut, Belgium, near the French-Belgian border. It is approximately 50 kilometers from Brussels, the capital of Europe.

UMONS is ideally located in the city of Mons about an hour and a half train ride from Brussels. The buildings of the university are spread out in the historical heart of the city, forming a real urban campus. UMONS has an estimated 7,000 students. Students may study the French language. Business classes are taught in French or in English. The location of Mons is ideal for travel to Brussels, London, and Paris by train.

Semester Calendar

Fall:  September – December/January
Spring:  February – June

Education Abroad Credits

Typically students take the equivalent of 12 to 15 credit hours abroad. Check with our office for more information about your specific options.

Primary Language of Instruction: French
French as a second language courses are available

Courses available in English in Business.

See sample coursework below and education abroad credits exchange students earned while abroad.

UMONS (Belgium)  
Host Institution Course Title(s)UCA Course Code(s)UCA Course Titles(s)
Strategic ManagementMGMT 4347Managing Policy and Strategy
International Marketing ManagementMKTG 4V90Special Problems in Marketing
International Marketing ManagementMKTG 4320Selected Topics in Marketing
Cases in Marketing StrategyMKTG 4320Selected Topics in Marketing
Cases in Marketing StrategyMKTG 4V90Special Problems in Marketing
Non- Profit managementMGMT 4320Selected Topics in Management

Program Cost

UCA students pay regular tuition, and all scholarships and financial aid apply. For more information, view the Financial Aid Guide. Students should check with Financial Aid and the Office of Education Abroad for more information regarding the cost of a semester exchange.

Application Process

See our Semester Exchange Application page for a step-by-step overview of the application process. Please be sure to turn in all documents before the published deadlines.

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