Independent Education Abroad

Who should apply under “Independent Education Abroad Program” ?

  • Any student who wants course credit earned on a study abroad program to be approved and to appear on the UCA transcript must register their program with our office.
  • Any student receiving a TAG Grant or other university funding on an independent program are required to register their education abroad program through the UCA Office of Education Abroad.


Steps to Apply for Independent Study Abroad

Complete the online application prior to your scheduled meeting with the Office of Education Abroad. Find the application under ‘Apply Now’. The applicaton is not considered complete until payment of the $75.00 Study Abroad Fee is received.
Schedule a meeting with our office to discuss the credit transfer process and other key details. To receive credit, participants must be enrolled in a shell course at UCA through the academic department or through the Office of Education Abroad. A pre-approval for study abroad credit may be required prior to travel. We will discuss these topics at our meeting.
Students can participate in education abroad programs that are not through UCA however the process of transferring credit is between the student, the department, and the Office of the Registrar. Please see the Office of the Registrar’s transfer guide for more information. If it has been determined that a course approval form is required for the credit you’ll earn during your study abroad program, download the form from the application platform, complete the form with the assistance of the appropriate department and submit the form to the Office of Education Abroad.
Attend the health and safety meeting offered by the Office of Education Abroad each semester. Students may schedule an individual meeting if unable to attend the group session.
A detailed itinerary must be submitted in the online application before departure. This itinerary must include information related to accommodations abroad, such as hotel/hostel/host names, addresses, and phone numbers. Students may access this application at any time online.
All travelers must have international insurance coverage. Purchase international insurance directly through the iNext website or through your preferred insurance vendor. Once purchased, upload your proof of coverage in the online application portal. If international insurance is included in your study abroad program, upload proof of the coverage provided in the application portal.
Communicate with the office consistently! Check your email for updates as we will share important information on insurance, the required Health and Safety meeting, and other pertinent information related to travel and safety. Upon return, submit your official transcript to the UCA Office of Education Abroad, if required.

Some key points to consider before traveling:

  • Do I need to apply for a visa to enter my host country?
  • Have I called my credit card(s) and bank(s) to inform them of international travel?
  • Do I need any vaccinations before traveling? Check for vaccination requirements and suggestions.
    • Students registering for programs agree to the following: I understand that UCA does not control requirements of vendors, universities, and other stakeholders for study abroad programing. Should a vendor or organization require masks, vaccinations, quarantine, or other measures regarding COVID 19, I agree to follow these requirements. While UCA and its partners will work to update students, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to take measures to protect themselves from the spread of disease.
  • Do I have an adequate supply of prescription medicine while abroad? Do I need to contact my doctor to request extra medication for my travel?
  • Do I know the current travel advisory level of my host country?
    • UCA students may not use UCA Study Abroad scholarships or other university financial aid to travel or study in locations rated at ‘Level 4 – Do Not Travel’ on the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Advisory website. Students traveling in areas or countries with Level 1 and Level 2 ratings should consult the website and heed all warnings while avoiding all Level 4 areas or locations that may exist in some countries.  All travel to locations or countries with a Level 3 – Reconsider Travel advisory must be pre-approved by the Center for Global Learning and Engagement, Legal Counsel, the Provost, and the President of the University of Central Arkansas.