Greetings All

Viewpoint, View from the Chair »
By Liz Smith, Assistant Chair | Associate Professor of Art, Ceramics »

There are so many exciting things to report from the department this semester, it is a pleasure to bring them to you in our Fall 2019 newsletter! Scroll through and be sure to read feature articles from our current students who completed internships in Austria (how? you ask…read on!) and fully funded fellowships at the Chautauqua Institute in upstate New York among the many other noteworthy student accomplishments within the newsletter. Read about where some of our alumni are…an Art History Professor in China, a Graduate student at the top rated university for Museum Artifact Conservation, a small business owner and more.

Don’t forget to read about the activities of our various clubs and consider getting involved yourself, it is a great way to meet your peers, make friends within the department, build your resume and be an active participant in the department and your own development as an artist, student and community member.

Finally take a minute to look at the departmental news, faculty and staff activities and important upcoming dates and events. Make good work, get involved, aim high and have a great fall semester!