Civic Engagement

Civic Action Plan

The UCA Civic Action Plan seeks to energize and expand the university’s focus on civic engagement, including activities and initiatives, new or ongoing, that contribute to producing graduates who are educated citizens, creating partnerships that serve the public good, and developing learning opportunities that promote social responsibility locally and around the world.

The UCA Civic Action Plan Executive Summary is available on the Campus Compact website. The plan was accepted by Campus Compact in 2018.

Vote Everywhere

The Andrew Goodman Foundation

UCA is proud to be a Vote Everywhere campus. Vote Everywhere is a project of the Andrew Goodman Foundation and supports ongoing voter education and engagement on college and university campuses. UCA’s Vote Everywhere team consists of two student ambassadors and one campus champion.

Conducting a voter registration drive or event? Tell us how you did so that we can continue to advocate for the importance of on-campus voting at UCA!


Contact Dr. Lesley Graybeal, Vote Everywhere Campus Champion, at or (501) 852-7416 if you would like support from the Vote Everywhere team for a voter registration drive or other voter engagement event.