Cinematic Art in Mexico Summer 2023

Program Description

This study abroad will analyze Mexican media, art, and cinematographic productions centered around canonical debates that put Mexico and its understanding of its society and culture at the forefront of visual storytelling with the final goal of collaborating on an original short film production inspired by Mexican life. This 5-week summer course for Film, Spanish, and Creative Writing students will spend the first week at UCA becoming familiar with Mexican culture, cross-cultural perspectives, and cinematic art from Mexico’s golden era through the present in the form of film screenings, classroom discussions, and readings. Students will then spend 3 weeks living in Guadalajara, with trips to other cultural hubs, such as Mexico City and Pueblos mágicos, all while keeping a visual cinematic diary that pays special attention to the sights and sounds of Mexico. The 5th week of the course will be offered remotely, giving the students a chance to edit their work and reflect on their creative process.

Course Offerings

SPAN 2350 Intermediate Conversational Spanish

SPAN 4396 Hispanic Studies

FILM 3322 Directed Study in Film Production

FILM 4392 Topics in Digital Production

CWRW 4324 Topics in Creative Writing

CRWR 4V80 Directed Study in Creative Writing

Faculty Leaders

Emily Railsback, MFA Assistant Professor of Film

Alejandro González Landeros Assistant Professor, Spanish


Health and Safety

Students registering for programs agree to the following: I understand that UCA does not control requirements of vendors, universities, and other stakeholders for study abroad programing. Should a vendor or organization require masks, vaccinations, quarantine, or other measures regarding COVID 19, I agree to follow these requirements. While UCA and its partners will work to update students, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to take measures to protect themselves from the spread of disease.

Students must attend one health and safety meeting in the spring semester. Meeting dates will be announced after the program deadlines.

Participants will be enrolled in comprehensive international insurance for the duration of programming. It is the student’s responsibility to extend insurance cover if they extend the UCA program dates abroad.

Important Dates

  • Travel Dates:  July 9 – July 31, 2023
  •  Apply for your passport.
  •  Apply for scholarships.
  •  Program Application Open Date: September 15, 2022
  •  Application and Deposit Deadline: February 3, 2023
  •  Mandatory Health And Safety Meeting for Study Abroad – TBA

 Program Cost

The 2023 program cost for UCA in Mexico: Cinematic Art can be found here.

For information about international insurance coverage:

 Learn Spanish

Practice some Spanish before your trip with our Basic Spanish Translations cheat sheet. Also, check out Mango Languages, a language learning resource free for UCA students.