Non-Traditional Students

General Information

Are you a non-traditional student? Are you….

  • parenting?
  • married?
  • a veteran, reservist, or active duty U.S. military?
  • a transfer student?
  • 25 years of age or older?

If you can answer yes to at least one of the above questions, see the links below to find out more about the free services available here at UCA. You belong!

The Non-traditional Student Office is located in Bernard Hall 205, telephone 501-852-5201. If you need assistance and no one is at the desk, come upstairs to Bernard 302. We will be happy to help you in any way we can. Join us on Facebook and CubConnect! The office of Career Services sponsors the Non-traditional Student Organization to provide community and support for UCA’s non-traditional students.

If you have transferred to UCA, check out this great resource from our Student Success center. Transfer and Non-Traditional Students

Contact: I (501) 450-3134

Career Resources


  • Military Resume Samples: This site provides resume tips and samples for military-to-civilian transitioning.
  • Salute Your Military Skills!: Those who have left the military have a great number of job skills sought after by employers.
  • Orion International: This website is aimed at helping veterans transition into civilian life by providing job opportunities, as well as career tips.