CISA Faculty & Students Present at Southwest Decision Sciences Institute

Fourteen UCA College of Business students and eight faculty members from the College of Business had their research presented at the 53rd Meeting of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) in Galveston, Texas (April 10-13, 2024). Carla Barber was presented the Outstanding Educator award.

Carla Barber pictured on right

Professors Mark McMurtrey, Joe Thomas, Mike Ellis, and Carla Barber represented the Computer Information Systems & Analytics Department. MSADA graduate students included Julian Haessner, Philipp Haessner, Luciana Subirana, and William Pontious,

Pictured L to R: Philipp Haessner, Dr. Mark McMurtrey, and Julian Haessner.

MBA graduate students included Micah Secor, Cynthia Sandefur, Dustin Rigsby, Chris Fisher, Imran Ali, Jose Alonso Rodriguez, Adam Daniel, Madalyn Bass, and Jason Brown (two presentations).

In addition, Professors Alexander Chen, Tracy Suter, and David McCalman from the Department of Marketing and Management had their research presented along with undergraduate student Iffah Ather. Dr. Mike Casey, Interim Dean of the COB, also had a paper presented that was coauthored by Dr. McMurtrey and MBA student Jason Brown.

Philipp Haessner’s presentation was titled “The Use of Big Data in the Retail Industry” and Julian Haessner’s was called “The Art and Challenges of Privacy-Preserving Data Visualizations in Healthcare and Medicine.” The Haessners co-authored these projects with Dr. Joe Thomas.