Outstanding Phi Beta Lambda Student: Ryan Taneja

Ryan Taneja

Classification: Junior earning a degree in Management Information Systems

Hometown: Benton, AR

Future plans: After obtaining my bachelor’s degree, I plan on following in the footsteps of my amazing parents. I will be pursuing my Masters in Business Administration while working as a Business Analyst. I also will be working on expanding my businesses, such as Taneja Marketing Group, and trying to support fellow Arkansans and my community through my non-profit called The Taneja Family Foundation.

As an undergraduate in the UCA College of Business, I have had numerous amazing mentors, from Dr. Marsha Carson to Dr. Jim Downey to Dr. Laci Lyons. The faculty at the College of Business has shown me so much love, patience, and guidance as I navigate my entrepreneurial goals. A lot of professors would agree that one big thing that stops entrepreneurs and indeed anyone from achieving their complete potential/goals is anxiety and self-doubt. I can recall when a company wanted to purchase one of my businesses, and I ran to Dr. Tracy Suter super nervous because my heart was telling me “no,” but my mind was scared and telling me to say yes. Thanks to him and the rest of the College of Business’s excellent staff & faculty, I continue to follow my heart, and I never look back because I know they are people out there who believe in me and have my back. The College of Business will always be my home, and I’ll always be grateful for the fantastic friendships I have and currently am making here.