
Proposed internship contracts should be submitted through Google Forms for faculty review. Internship contracts should be turned in as soon as possible in the semester prior to the internship, but no later than the deadlines posted on the Departmental Deadlines page under Internship Contract

Art Internship Syllabus

Department: Art and Design
Course Number: 4675 or 4375
Course Title: Art Internship
Description: Supervised, practical experience in art
Prerequisite: Departmental approval in the semester prior to enrollment
Text: No text required. Readings may be assigned.
Credit Hours: 6 or 3
Office: McAlister 101   Phone: 450-3113

Course Objectives: The purpose of the internship is to:

  1. Develop aspects of an art profession which are appropriately learned in real work situations.
  2. Apply skills learned in the academic setting.
  3. Provide an opportunity to work under the supervision of a professional.

Course Outline:

  1. Obtain internship position and sponsor in semester prior to enrollment.
  2. Define internship objectives.
  3. Complete internship application, sign Internship Contract, and submit to art office for faculty approval.
  4. Implement the internship work experience.
  5. Schedule at least two progress checks between faculty internship sponsor and internship mentor.
  6. ***Request final internship evaluation of internship supervisor.*** This document can be found below.

Course Requirements:
In addition to professional performance at the internship site, the following are required to earn internship credit:

  1. It is expected that the student will work at least 300 clock hours for six hours of credit (150 hours for three hours credit).
  2. It is expected that a person representing the internship site will be responsible for supervising the student’s work and serve as liaison with the faculty sponsor.
  3. The student will maintain a record of projects completed during the internship.  This record should include descriptions of content and ideas applied, techniques used, tools and/or hardware used, software employed, (if any) and any problems encountered and how they were resolved.  This record should be submitted to the faculty sponsor during the final week of the semester.
  4. The faculty sponsor communicates with the internship supervisor for reports on the student’s progress.  At the end of the semester, the two sponsors confer regarding the student’s final grade.
  5. ***The internship supervisor is requested to complete a final evaluation form.*** This document can be found below.

Course Evaluation:
Documentation (slides, digital portfolios, etc.) of projects will be reviewed by the faculty sponsor and a final grade assigned.  Evaluation criteria will be weighted according to the following:

Faculty sponsor evaluation 30%

***Internship supervisor evaluation 50%***

Internship documentation 20%

Grading Scale:
90 100%  A
80  89%   B
70  79%   C
60  69%   D
Below 60% F

Attendance Policy:
If the student fails to complete the clock hours required for the internship, the final grade will be F.

Note: The University of Central Arkansas adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  If you need an accommodation under this act due to a disability, contact the Office of Disability Support Services at 450-3135.

For additional university policies see the Student Handbook references to Sexual Harassment Policy ([page112-114] and Academic Policies [page 35]). Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with all policies listed in the Student Handbook.

To download the Art Internships Guideline with contract and evaluation form, click here:

Art Internships Guideline and Application

Internship Evaluation Form