Jessica Camp

Jessica Camp ( Fall 2013 BFA Studio Art: Painting Emphasis) had work accepted for the 2014 Delta Exhibition at the Arkansas Arts Center. The work selected was Weeping Lamentation from her BFA Senior Exhibition. … [Read more...]

Matt TerAvest

Matt TerAvest  (Fall 2005 BA in Art Education Emphasis) was named as one of the three Stephens Awards winners Spring 2014. Each year, three high school teachers in the municipality of Little Rock (including public, private, and charter schools) are selected for the award, which carries a $10,000 … [Read more...]

Ciara Long

Ciara Long, (BFA Graphic Design Emphasis), received a Silver and a Bronze Addy award at the district level, April 2013. District 10 of the American Advertising Federation is composed of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. … [Read more...]

2013 ADDY Awards

Ciara Long, pursuing the BFA Graphic Design Emphasis, Hunter Oden, BFA Graphic Design Emphasis 2012, and Michael Barnett, BFA Graphic Design Emphasis 2012, each received awards for their graphic design work at the 2013 ADDY Awards in the central Arkansas division of the American Advertising … [Read more...]

Héctor Garcia

Héctor Garcia's paper, "Rafael Pineda (Rapé): Online Editorial Cartoons and Caricature as Activist Art Form in Mexico Today," was accepted for the 2013 National Conference of Undergraduate Research conference at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (April 11-13, 2013).  Mr. Garcia is pursuing the … [Read more...]

2013 Small Works on Paper

Brittany Madalone and Caley Pennington both had work accepted to 2013 Small Works on Paper, the Arkansas Arts Council's annual exhibit that opens this year at the South Arkansas Arts Center in El Dorado and then travels to nine other locations in the state.  This year's juror was Anne Austin Pearce, … [Read more...]

Mark Monroe

Congratulations to Mark Monroe for being  recognized in a recent issue of The Oxford American as one of the "100 under 100" New Superstars of Southern Art. See the full press lease for more informatio … [Read more...]

Brittany Madalone

Brittany Madalone's drypoint print, An Unwanted Message has been selected to be included in the Artists of the 21st Century exhibition at the West Tennessee Regional Art Center in Humboldt, Tennessee. The exhibit runs from April 2, 2012 – April 24, 2012. … [Read more...]

Black Box Gallery’s Achromatic Affair Show

Congratulations to the winners of the Black Box Gallery's Achromatic Affair Show: 1st place: Caley Penington, Dream Theater Panic Attack 2nd place: Rachel Oliver, Untitled 3rd place: Aaron Wildschuetz, 100 Lightyears Honorable Mention: Eric Darmstaedter, The Meeting Place … [Read more...]

Mary Hull

Mary Hull (BA Fine Art 2010) isa graphic designer and program developer for Transforming Uganda, an organization with offices in Uganda and Texas. … [Read more...]