Academic Calendar

August 18-21, Sunday-Wednesday
Welcome Week

August 19, Monday
Opening Freshman Convocation

August 22, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 23, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 or Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 or Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

August 24, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 28, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 or Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes with a 100% refund

August 29, Thursday (noon)
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

September 2, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 9, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available

September 10, Tuesday
Excess Aid Checks Mailed

September 12, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes with a 75% refund. No refund after this date

September 13, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for December graduation

September 19, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 20, Friday
Progress Reporting period opens

September 30, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 30, Monday
Progress Reporting closes. All progress reports due.

Instruction begins for Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes

October 1, Tuesday (noon)
Final grade report due for First 5-Week Fall Term (Aug. 22 – Sept. 27) classes

October 1, Tuesday
Final date to drop Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes
Last day to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 4, Friday
Final date to drop Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date

Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for December graduation and be included in the commencement program.

October 14, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill being dropped from classes

Instruction begins for Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes

October 15, Tuesday (noon)
Final grade reports due for First 8-Week Fall Term (Aug. 22 – Oct. 11) classes

October 15, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 17-20, Thursday-Sunday
Fall Break

October 22, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

October 25, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 30 – November 12
Priority and Advance Registration for Spring 2025

November 4, Monday
Instruction begins for Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes

November 5, Tuesday (noon)
Final grade reports due for Second 5-Week Fall Term (Sept. 30 – Nov. 1) classes

November 5, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

November 8, Friday
Final date to drop Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

November 13, Wednesday
Final date to official withdraw from Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 27, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break (no classes, university offices open)

November 28-December 1, Thursday-Sunday
Thanksgiving Holiday (university closed)

December 2, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 3, Tuesday
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final day to make degree application for December graduation. Name will not be in the commencement program.

December 5, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 6, Friday
Study Day

December 7, Saturday
Final Examinations – Saturday classes

December 9-12, Monday-Thursday
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 13, Friday
Graduate School Winter Commencement Ceremony (All Colleges) – 5PM

December 14, Saturday
Winter Commencement: Undergraduate ceremonies
9AM – College of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences; College of Business
12PM (noon) – College of Education; College of Health & Behavioral Sciences; College of Science & Engineering

December 16, Monday (noon)
Final grade reports due

December 16, Monday
Instruction begins for Winter Intersession

December 17, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 20, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

December 30, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

January 3, Friday
Final Examinations for Winter Intersession

January 7, Tuesday (noon)
Winter Intersession final grade report due

January 8, Wednesday
Payment Due for Spring 2025 classes

January 9, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 10, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 or Jan. 9 – Feb. 14 classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends for Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 or Jan. 9. – Feb. 14 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 11, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 15, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Jan. 9 – May 2 classes

Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency
Final date to drop Jan. 9 – May 2 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 or Jan. 9 – Feb. 14 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

January 16, Thursday
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

January 20, Monday
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

January 24, Friday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

January 30, Thursday
Final date to drop Jan. 9 – May 2 classes and receive 75% refund. No refund after this date.

January 31, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for May graduation.

February 5, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9- Feb. 14 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 7, Friday
Progress Reporting period opens

February 17, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Progress Reporting closes

February 18, Tuesday
Final grade reports due for First 5-Week Spring Term (Jan. 9 – Feb. 14) classes

February 18, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 17 – March 21 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for Feb. 17 – March 21 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

February 21, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 17 – March 21 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for May graduation and be included in the commencement program.

March 4, Tuesday (noon)
Final grade report due for First 8-Week Spring Term (Jan. 9 – Feb. 28) classes

March 4, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 3 – May 2 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for March 3 – May 2 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 7, Friday
Final date to drop March 3 – May 2 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

March 12, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 17 – March 21 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

March 17, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

March 23-30, Sunday-Sunday
Spring Break

March 25, Tuesday
Final grade report due for Second 5-Week Spring Term (Feb. 17 – March 21) classes

April 1, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 31 – May 2 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for March 31 – May 2 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

April 2-15
Priority and Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2025

April 4, Friday
Final date to drop March 31 – May 2 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

April 7, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – May 2 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 18, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 3 – May 2 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 23, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 31 – May 2 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for may graduation. Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 25, Friday
Study Day

April 26, Saturday
Final Examinations – Saturday classes

April 28-May 1, Monday-Thursday
Final Examinations – day and night classes

May 1, Thursday
Graduate School Spring Commencement Ceremony (All Colleges) – 5PM

May 2, Friday
Undergraduate Spring Commencement Ceremonies
9AM: College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
12PM (noon): College of Business & College of Education
3PM: College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Exercise Science, Health Sciences, Nutrition and Family Sciences, Psychology and Counseling)
6PM: College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Nursing, Communication Sciences and Disorders) & College of Science and Engineering

May 6, Tuesday (noon)
Final grade report due

May 2, Friday
Payment Due for May intersession, 8-week and 13-week Summer Session classes

May 8, Thursday
May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 12, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
May Intersession (May 12 – May 30)
8-Week (May 12 – July 3)
13-Week (May 12 – Aug. 8)

May 13, Tuesday
Final date to drop May intersession and 8-Week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for May Intersession and 8-Week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 16, Friday
Change-of-course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-Week classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 26, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday

May 28, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from May Intersession courses or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

May 29, Thursday
1st Five Week Summer I Session and 10-Week Summer Session
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 30, Friday
Final Examinations for May Intersession classes

June 2, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
1st Five Week Summer I (June 2 – July 3)
10-Week (June 2 – Aug. 8)

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive 75% refund. No refund after this date.

June 3, Tuesday (noon)
Final grade reports due for May Intersession (May 12 – May 30) classes

June 3, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer I Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 6, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer I Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

June 6, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for August graduation.

June 20, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from 8-Week classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 26, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer I Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 3, Thursday
Final Examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes and 8-Week Summer Session classes

July 3, Thursday
2nd Five Week Summer II
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

July 4, Friday
Independence Day Holiday – university closed

July 7, Monday
Instruction begins for 2nd Five (July 7 – Aug. 8) Week Summer Session classes

July 8, Tuesday (noon)
Final grade reports due for 1st Five Week Summer I and 8-Week Summer Session classes

July 8, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer II Session classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer II Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 11, Friday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer II Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

July 17, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 21, Monday
Instruction Begins for Summer III Three-Week (July 21 – Aug. 8) Summer Session classes

July 22, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive 100% refund.

July 23, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10 Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 25, Friday
Final date to drop Three Week Summer III Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

July 31, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 2nd Five Week Summer II Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 8, Friday
Final Examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, and 2nd Five-Week Summer Session classes

August 9, Saturday
Graduate Summer Commencements
9:00AM – Ceremony I
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
College of Business
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences – Communication Sciences and Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Psychology & Counseling, Exercise Science, Sport Management, School of Nursing

12PM (Noon) – Ceremony II
College of Education
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences – Physical Therapy, Health Science, Nutrition & Family Science

August 12, Tuesday (noon)
13-Week, 10-Week, and 2nd Five Week Summer II and Three Week Summer III Session final grade report due.

August 17-20, Sunday-Wednesday
Welcome Week

August 17, Sunday
Opening Freshman Convocation

August 20, Wednesday
Payment Due for Fall 2025 classes

August 21, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 22, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 or Aug. 21 – Sept. 26 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 or Aug. 21 – Sept. 26 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

August 23, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 27, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 or Aug. 21 – Sept. 26 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 classes with a 100% refund

August 28, Thursday (noon)
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

September 1, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 8, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available

September 9, Tuesday
Checks Mailed

September 11, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 classes with a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

September 12, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for December graduation.

September 17, Wednesday
Registration class schedule Spring 2026 due to the Registrar

September 18, Thursday
Registration class schedule Spring 2026 viewable in Self-Service

September 18, Thursday
Final Date to officially withdraw from Aug. 21- Sept. 26 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 19, Friday
Progress Reporting period opens

September 29, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 29, Monday
Progress Reporting closes. All progress reports due.

September 30, Tuesday (noon)
Final grade report due for First 5-Week Fall Term (Aug. 21 – Sept. 26) classes

September 30, Tuesday
Final date to drop Sept. 29 – Oct. 31 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for Sept. 29 – Oct. 31 classes
Last day to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 3, Friday
Final date to drop Sept. 29 – Oct. 31 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date

October 3, Friday
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for December graduation and be included in the commencement program.

October 13, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

October 14, Tuesday (Noon)
Final grade reports due to First 8-Week Fall Term (Aug. 21 – Oct. 10) classes

October 14, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 16-19, Thursday-Sunday
Fall Break

October 21, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

October 24, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Sept. 29 – Oct. 31 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 29 – November 11
Priority and Advance Registration for Spring 2026

November 4, Tuesday (Noon)
Final grade reports due for Second 5-Week Fall Term (Sept. 29 – Oct. 31) classes

November 4, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 3 – Dec. 12 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Nov. 3 – Dec. 12 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

November 7, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 7, Friday
Final date to drop Nov. 3 – Dec. 12 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

November 21, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 26, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break (no classes, university offices open, working remotely)

November 27-30, Thursday-Sunday
Thanksgiving Holiday (university closed)

December 2, Tuesday
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final day to make degree application for December graduation. Name will not be in the commencement program.

December 4, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 3 – Dec. 12 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 5, Friday
Study Day

December 6, Saturday
Final Examinations (Saturday classes)

December 8-11, Monday-Thursday
Final Examinations (day and night classes)

December 11, Thursday
Winter Commencement: Graduate School ceremony (all colleges)

December 12, Friday
Winter Commencement: Undergraduate ceremonies

December 15, Monday (Noon)
Final grade reports due

December 15, Monday
Instruction begins for Winter Intersession

December 16, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 19, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

December 29, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

January 2, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 6, Tuesday (Noon)
Winter Intersession final grade report due

January 8, Wednesday
Payment Due for Spring 2026 classes

January 8, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 9, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 8 – Feb. 27 or Jan. 8 – Feb. 13 classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change of course period ends for Jan. 8 – Feb. 27 or Jan. 8 – Feb. 13 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 10, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 14, Wednesday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 8 – May 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency
Final date to drop Jan. 8 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 8 – Feb. 27 or Jan. 8 – Feb. 13 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

January 15, Thursday
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

January 19, Monday
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

January 26, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available

January 27, Tuesday
Checks Mailed

January 29, Thursday
Final date to drop Jan. 8 – May 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

January 30, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for May graduation.

February 4, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 8 – Feb. 13 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 6, Friday
Progress Reporting period opens

February 16, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 8 – Feb. 27 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 16, Monday
Progress Reporting closes

February 17, Tuesday
Final grade reports due to First 5-Week Spring Term (Jan. 8 – Feb. 13) classes

February 17, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 16 – March 20 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Feb. 16 – Mar. 20 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

February 18, Wednesday
Registration class schedule Fall 2026 due to the Registrar

February 19, Thursday
Registration class schedule Fall 2026 viewable in Self-Service

February 20, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 16 – March 20 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 20, Friday
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for May graduation and be included in the commencement program.

March 3, Tuesday (Noon)
Final grade report due for First 8-Week Spring Term (Jan. 8 – Feb. 27) classes

March 3, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 2 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 2 – May 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 6, Friday
Final date to drop March 2 – May 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

March 11, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 16 – March 20 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

March 16, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

March 22-29, Sunday-Sunday
Spring Break

March 24, Tuesday (Noon)
Final grade report due for Second 5-Week Spring Term (Feb. 16 – March 20) classes

March 31, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 30 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 30 – May 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

April 1 – 14
Priority and Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2026

April 3, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 8 – May 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 3, Friday
Final date to drop March 30 – May 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

April 17, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 2 – May 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 22, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 30 – May 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 22, Wednesday
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree applications for May graduation. Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 24, Friday
Study Day

April 25, Saturday
Final Examinations (Saturday classes)

April 27-30, Monday-Thursday
Final Examinations (day and night classes)

April 30, Thursday
Graduate School Spring Commencement Ceremony

May 1, Friday
Undergraduate Spring Commencement Ceremonies


May 8, Friday
Payment Due for May Intersession, 8-week and 13-week Summer Session classes

May 7, Thursday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed for May Intersession and 13-week Summer Session

May 11, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
May Intersession (May 11 – May 29)
8-Week (May 11 – July 2)
13-Week (May 11 – Aug. 7)

May 12, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession and 8-week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 15, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-week Summer Session classes.
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 25, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday

May 26, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

May 28, Thursday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed for 1st Five Week Summer I Session and 10-Week Summer Session

May 29, Friday
Payment Due for 1st Five Week Summer I Session and 10-Week Summer Session

May 29, Friday
Final Examinations for May Intersession classes

June 1, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Sessions below:
1st Five Week Summer I (June 1 – July 2)
10-Week (June 1 – Aug. 7)

June 1, Monday
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

June 2, Tuesday (Noon)
Final grade reports due for May Intersession (May 11 – May 29) classes.

June 2, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer I Session or 10-Week Summer Session Classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change of course period ends for 1st Five Week Session Classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

Change of course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 5, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer I Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

June 5, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for August graduation.

June 19, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from an 8-Week course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 25, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer I Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 2, Thursday
Final Examinations for 1st Five Week Summer I and 8-Week Summer Session classes

July 2, Thursday
Payment due for 2nd Five Week Summer II

July 3, Friday
Independence Day Holiday Observed (university closed)

July 6, Monday
Instruction begins 2nd Five Week (July 6 – Aug. 7) Summer II Session classes

July 6, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed for 2nd Five Week Summer II

July 7, Tuesday (Noon)
Final grade reports due for 1st Five Week Summer I and 8-Week Summer Session classes

July 7, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer II Session classes and receive a 100% refund
Change of course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer II Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 10, Friday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer II Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

July 16, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 20, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer III Three-Week (July 20 – Aug. 7) Summer Session classes

July 21, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer II Session classes and receive 100% refund.

July 22, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10 Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 24, Friday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer II session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

July 30, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 2nd Five Week Summer II Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 4, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Three-Week Summer Session III classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 7, Friday
Final Examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five-Week Summer II, and Three Week Summer III Session classes

August 8, Saturday
Graduate Summer Commencements
9:00AM – Ceremony I
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
College of Business
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences – Communication Sciences and Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Psychology & Counseling, Exercise Science, Sport Management, School of Nursing

12PM (Noon) – Ceremony II
College of Education
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences – Physical Therapy, Health Science, Nutrition & Family Science

August 11, Tuesday (Noon)
13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five Week Summer II, and Three-Week Summer III Session final grade report due.

August 16-19, Sunday – Wednesday
Welcome Week

August 16, Sunday
Opening Freshman Convocation

August 20, Thursday
Instruction Begins (day and evening classes)

September 7, Monday
Labor Day Holiday (university closed)

October 15-18, Thursday – Sunday
Fall Break

November 25, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break (no classes – university offices open)

November 26-29, Thursday – Sunday
Thanksgiving Holiday (university closed)

December 4, Friday
Study Day

December 5, Saturday
Final Examinations

December 7-10, Monday – Thursday
Final Examinations

December 10, Thursday
Winter Commencement: Graduate Ceremony

December 11, Friday
Winter Commencement: Undergraduate Ceremonies

December 14, Monday
Instruction Begins for Winter Intersession

December 31, Thursday
Final Examinations for Winter Intersession

January 7, Thursday
Instruction Begins (day and evening classes)

January 18, Monday
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (university closed)

March 21-28, Sunday – Sunday
Spring Break

April 23, Friday
Study Day

April 24, Saturday
Final Examinations

April 26-29, Monday – Thursday
Final Examinations

April 29, Thursday
Spring Commencement: Graduate Ceremony

April 30, Friday
Spring Commencement: Undergraduate Ceremonies

May 10, Monday
Instruction Begins for May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 28, Friday
Final Examinations for May Intersession classes

May 31, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday (university closed)

June 1, Tuesday
Instruction begins for 1st Five-Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

July 2, Friday
Final Examinations for 1st Five-Week Summer Session

July 5, Monday
Independence Day Holiday Observed (university closed)

July 6, Tuesday
Instruction begins 2nd Five-Week Summer Session classes

August 6, Friday
Final Examinations for 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, and 2nd Five-Week Summer classes

August 7, Saturday
Graduate Summer Commencement Ceremonies

August 15-18, Sunday – Wednesday
Welcome Week

August 15, Sunday
Opening Freshman Convocation

August 19, Thursday
Instruction Begins (day and evening classes)

September 6, Monday
Labor Day Holiday (university closed)

October 14-17, Thursday – Sunday
Fall Break

November 24, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break (no classes – university offices open)

November 25-28, Thursday – Sunday
Thanksgiving Holiday (university closed)

December 3, Friday
Study Day

December 4, Saturday
Final Examinations

December 6-9, Monday – Thursday
Final Examinations

December 9, Thursday
Winter Commencement: Graduate Ceremony

December 10, Friday
Winter Commencement: Undergraduate Ceremonies

December 13, Monday
Instruction Begins for Winter Intersession

December 30, Thursday
Final Examinations for Winter Intersession

January 13, Thursday
Instruction Begins (day and evening classes)

January 17, Monday
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (university closed)

March 19-26, Sunday – Sunday
Spring Break

April 28, Friday
Study Day

April 29, Saturday
Final Examinations

May 1-4, Monday – Thursday
Final Examinations

May 4, Thursday
Spring Commencement: Graduate Ceremony

May 5, Friday
Spring Commencement: Undergraduate Ceremonies

May 15, Monday
Instruction Begins for May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 29, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday (university closed)

June 2, Friday
Final Examinations for May Intersession classes

June 5, Monday
Instruction begins for 1st Five-Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

July 4, Tuesday
Independence Day Holiday Observed (university closed)

July 7, Friday
Final Examinations for 1st Five-Week Summer Session classes

July 10, Monday
Instruction begins 2nd Five-Week Summer Session classes

August 11, Friday
Final Examinations for 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, and 2nd Five-Week Summer Session classes

August 12, Saturday
Graduate Summer Commencement Ceremonies

Past Terms

Important Dates Summaries by Part of Term.

December 17, 2012 Monday

Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 18, 2012 Tuesday

Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 21, 2012 Friday

Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

January 2, 2013 Wednesday

Final date to officially withdraw from a Winter Intersession class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

January 3, 2013 Thursday

Final date to officially withdraw from a Winter Intersession class or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

January 4, 2013 Friday

Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 8, 2013 Tuesday – Noon

Winter Intersession final grade report due

January 10, 2013 Thursday

Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 11, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop Jan. 10 – Mar. 1 or Jan. 10 – Feb. 15 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change of course period ends for Jan. 10 – Mar. 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 12, 2013 Saturday

Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 16, 2013 Wednesday

Change of course period ends for Jan. 10 – May 3 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

Final date to drop Jan. 10 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund

Final date to drop Jan. 10 – Mar.  1 or Jan. 10 – Feb. 15 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

January 21, 2013 Monday

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

January 31, 2013 Thursday

Final date to drop Jan. 10 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date

February 11, 2013 Monday

1st 8 week course evals available

February 15, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a Jan. 10 – Mar. 1 class with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

February 19, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop Feb. 18 – Mar. 29 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 22, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop Feb. 18 – Mar. 29 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

Final date to officially withdraw from a Jan. 10 – Mar. 1 class with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

March 3, 2013 Sunday

End 1st 8 week evals

March 5, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop Mar. 4 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change of course period ends for Mar. 4 – May 3 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 6, 2013 Wednesday – Noon

Mid-term grade report due

First-half grade report due

March 8, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop Mar. 4 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

March 16-24, 2013 Saturday – Sunday

Spring Break

March 29, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a Jan. 10 – May 3 class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

April 1-22, 2013

Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2013

April 1, 2013 Monday

Spring and 2nd 8 week evals available

April 2, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop Apr. 1 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund

April 5, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop Apr. 1 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

April 12, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a Mar. 4 – May 3 class with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

April 19, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a Mar. 4 – May 3 class with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final date to officially withdraw from a Jan. 10 – May 3 class or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

April 26, 2013 Friday

Study Day

April 27, 2013 Saturday

Final exams – Saturday classes

April 29 – May 3, 2013 Monday – Friday

Final exams – day and  night classes

May 4, 2013 Saturday


May 5, 2013 Sunday

End Spring and 2nd 8 week evals

May 7, 2013 Tuesday – Noon

Final grade report due

 May 13, 2013 Monday

Instruction begins for May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 14, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop May Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund

Change of course period ends for May Intersession classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 15, 2013 Wednesday

Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 17, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop May Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

May 22, 2013 Wednesday

Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

May 27, 2013 Monday

Memorial Day Holiday

May Intersession evals available

May 29, 2013 Wednesday

Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession class or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

May 31, 2013 Friday

Final examinations for May Intersession classes

June 2, 2013 Sunday

End May Intersession evals

June 3, 2013 Monday

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

Instruction begins for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

June 4, 2013 Tuesday – Noon

May Intersession final grade report due

June 4, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 5, 2013 Wednesday

Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 7, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

June 21, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a 1st Five Week Summer Session class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

June 28, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a 1st Five Week Summer Session class or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Summer 1 evals available

July 4, 2013 Thursday

Independence Day Holiday

July 5, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a 13-Week Summer Session class with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes

July 7, 2013 Sunday

End Summer 1 evals

July 8, 2013 Monday

Instruction begins for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 9, 2013 Tuesday – Noon

1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 9, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 12, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

July 19, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a 10-Week Summer Session class with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

July 22, 2013 Monday

13-Week Summer evals available

July 26, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from a 2nd Five Week Summer Session class with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

August 2, 2013 Friday

Final date to withdraw from a 13-Week Summer Session class, a 10-Week Summer Session class, or a 2nd Five Week Summer Session class with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Summer 2 and 10-Week evals available

August 9, 2013 Friday

Final examinations for 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, and 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

August 9, 2013 Friday

Summer Commencement

August 11, 2013 Sunday

End Summer 2, 10-Week and 13-Week evals

August 13, 2013 Tuesday – Noon

13-Week Summer Session, 10-Week Summer Session, and 2nd Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

 August 18-21, 2013 Sunday – Wednesday

Welcome Week

August 19, 2013 Monday

Opening Convocation

August 22, 2013 Thursday

Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 23, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 or Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

August 24, 2013 Saturday

Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 28, 2013 Wednesday

Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 or Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes and receive a 75% refund,
0% refund after this date

Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes with a 100% refund

September 2, 2013 Monday

Labor Day Holiday

September 12, 2013 Thursday

Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes with a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

September 27, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

October 1, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes and receive a 100% refund

October 4, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

October 15, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 16, 2013 Wednesday – Noon

Mid-term grade report due

October 17-20, 2013 Thursday – Sunday

Fall Break

October 22, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date

October 28 – November 18, 2013

Advance Registration for Spring 2014

November 1, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

November 5, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes with a 100% refund

November 8, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

November 15, 2013 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Nov 27- Dec 1, 2013 Wednesday – Sunday

Thanksgiving Break

December 2, 2013 Monday

Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

December 6, 2013 Friday

Study Day

December 7, 2013 Saturday

Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 9-13, 2013 Monday – Friday

Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 14, 2013 Saturday

Winter Commencement

December 16, 2013 Monday – Noon

Final grade report due

December 16, 2013 Monday

Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 17, 2013 Tuesday

Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 20, 2013 Friday

Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

January 3, 2014 Friday

Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 7, 2014 Tuesday – Noon

Winter Intersession final grades report due

January 9, 2014 Thursday

Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 10, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 or Jan. 9 – Feb. 14 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change of course period ends for Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 11, 2014 Saturday

Instruction begins Saturday classes

January 15, 2014 Wednesday

Change of course period ends for Jan. 9 – May 2 classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

Final date to drop a Jan. 9 – May 2 classes and receive a 100% refund

Final date to drop Jan. 9 – Mar. 2 or Jan. 9 – Feb. 14 classes and receive a 75% refund

January 20, 2014 Monday

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 30, 2014 Thursday

Final date to drop Jan. 9 – May 2 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date

February 7, 2014 Friday

Final date to make degree application for May graduation and be included in the commencement program

February 14, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

February 18, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to drop Feb. 17 – Mar. 28 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 21, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop Feb. 17 – Mar. 28 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date

Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

March 4, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to drop Mar. 3 – May 2 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change of course period ends for Mar. 3 – May 2 classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

[Deadlines moved to March 6th, Thursday due to inclement weather]

March 5, 2014 Wednesday – Noon

Mid-term, first 5 weeks and first half grade report due [Deadline moved to March 7th, Friday – noon due to inclement weather]

March 7, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop Mar. 3 – May 2 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date [Deadline moved to March 11th, Tuesday due to inclement weather]

March 21, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – May 2 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

March 23-30, 2014 Sunday – Sunday

Spring Break

March 31- April 21, 2014

Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2014

April 1, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to a drop Mar. 31 – May 2 classes and receive a 100% refund

April 4, 2014 Friday

Final date to a drop Mar. 31 – May 2 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

April 11, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Mar. 3 – May 2 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

April 18, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Mar. 3 – May 2 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – May 2 classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

April 25, 2014 Friday

Study Day

April 26, 2014 Saturday

Final exams Saturday classes

April 28 – May 2, 2014 Monday – Friday

Final exams – day and night classes

May 3, 2014 Saturday


May 6, 2014 Tuesday – Noon

Final grade report due


May 12, 2014 Monday

Instruction begins for May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 13, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to drop May Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund

Change of course period ends for May Intersession classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 14, 2014 Wednesday

Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes

Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 16, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop May Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

May 21, 2014 Wednesday

Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

May 26, 2014 Monday

Memorial Day Holiday

May 28, 2014 Wednesday

Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

May 30, 2014 Friday

Final examinations for May Intersession classes

June 2, 2014 Monday

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

Instruction begins for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

June 3, 2014 Tuesday – Noon

May Intersession final grade report due

June 3, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 4, 2014 Wednesday

Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 6, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

Final date to make degree application for August graduation and be included in the commencement program

June 20, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

June 27, 2014 Friday

Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

July 3, 2014 Thursday

Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes

July 4, 2014 Friday

Independence Day Holiday

July 7, 2014 Monday

Final date to withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Instruction begins for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 8, 2014 Tuesday – Noon

1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 8, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 11, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

July 18, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

July 25, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

August 1, 2014 Friday

Final date to withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, or 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

August 8, 2014 Friday

Final examinations for 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, and 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

August 8, 2014 Friday

Summer Commencement

August 12, 2014 Tuesday – Noon

13-Week Summer Session, 10-Week Summer Session, and 2nd Five-Week Summer Session final grade report due

August 17-20, 2014 Sun – Wed

Welcome Week

August 18, 2014 Monday

Opening Convocation

August 21, 2014 Thursday

Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 22, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 (1st Half) or Aug. 21 – Sept. 26 (1st 5 Weeks) classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 (1st Half) classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

August 23, 2014 Saturday

Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 27, 2014 Wednesday

Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 (Full Term) classes Final date to register Final date to add classes Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit for Aug 21 – Dec 12 (Full Term) classes

Final date to drop Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 (1st Half) or Aug. 21 – Sept. 26 (1st 5 Weeks) classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

Final date to drop Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 (Full Term) classes with a 100% refund.

September 1, 2014 Monday

Labor Day Holiday

September 11, 2014 Thursday

Final date to drop Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 (Full Term) classes with a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

September 19, 2014 Friday

Final date to make degree application for December graduation and be included in commencement program

September 26, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 (1st Half) classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

September 30, 2014 Tuesday                   

Final date to drop Sept. 29 – Oct. 31 (2nd 5 Weeks) classes and receive a 100% refund

October 3, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop Sept. 29 – Oct. 31 (2nd 5 Weeks) classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 (1st Half) classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

October 14, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to drop Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 (2nd Half) classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 (2nd Half) classes Last date to register Last date to add classes Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 15, 2014 Wednesday – Noon

Mid-term grade report due

October 16-19, 2014 Thurs – Sun

Fall Break

October 21, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to drop Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 (2nd Half) classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

October 27-November 17, 2014                

Advance Registration for Spring 2015

October 31, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 (Full Term) classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

November 4, 2014 Tuesday                      

Final date to drop Nov. 3 – Dec. 12 (3rd 5 Weeks) classes with a 100% refund

November 7, 2014 Friday                          

Final date to drop Nov. 3 – Dec. 12 (3rd 5 Weeks) classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

November 14, 2014 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 (2nd Half) classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

November 26-30, 2014 Wed. – Sun.        

Thanksgiving Break

December 1, 2014 Monday

Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 13 – Dec. 12 (2nd Half) classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 21 – Dec. 12 (Full Term) classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

December 5, 2014 Friday

Study Day

December 6, 2014 Saturday

Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 8-12, 2014 Mon – Fri

Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 13, 2014 Saturday

Winter Commencement

December 15, 2014 Monday – Noon

Final grade report due

December 15, 2014 Monday

Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 16, 2014 Tuesday

Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 19, 2014 Friday

Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

December 31, 2014 Wednesday

Final date to officially withdraw from a Winter Intersession class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

January 1, 2015 Thursday

Final date to officially withdraw from a Winter Intersession class or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

January 2, 2015 Friday

Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 6, 2015 Tuesday – Noon

Winter Intersession final grades report due

January 8, 2015 Thursday

Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 9, 2015 Friday

Final date to drop Jan. 8 – Feb. 27 or Jan. 8 – Feb. 13  classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change of course period ends for Jan. 8 – Feb. 27 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 10, 2015 Saturday

Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 14, 2015 Wednesday

Change of course period ends for Jan. 8 – May 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

Final date to drop a Jan. 8 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.

Final date to drop Jan. 8 – Feb 27 or Jan. 8 – Feb. 13 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date

January 19, 2015 Monday

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 29, 2015 Thursday

Final date to drop Jan. 8 – May 1 classes and receive a 75% refund No refund after this date.

February 13, 2015 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 8 – Feb. 27 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

February 17, 2015 Tuesday

Final date to drop Feb. 16 – Mar. 20 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 20, 2015 Friday

Final date to drop Feb. 16 – Mar. 20 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 8 – Feb. 27 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

March 3, 2015 Tuesday

Final date to drop Mar. 2 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change of course period ends for Mar. 2 – May 1 classes

Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 4, 2015 Wednesday – Noon

Mid-term grade report due

March 6, 2015 Friday

Final date to drop Mar. 2 – May 1 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

March 20, 2015 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 8 – May 1 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final date to apply for May graduation and have your name appear in the commencement program (Final date to apply for May graduation will be Monday April 20th)

March 22 – 29, 2015 Sun to Sun

Spring Break

March 30- April 20, 2015

Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2015

March 31, 2015 Tuesday

Final date to a drop Mar. 30 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 10, 2015 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Mar. 2 – May 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.

April 17, 2015 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from Mar. 2 – May 1 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 8 – May 1 classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

April 20, 2015 Monday

Final day to apply for May graduation, all applications taken after this date will be for the August ceremony

April 24, 2015 Friday

Study Day

April 25, 2015 Saturday

Final exams – Saturday classes

April 27 – May 1, 2015 Mon-Fri

Final exams – day and night classes

May 2, 2015 Saturday


May 5, 2015 Tuesday – Noon

Final grade report due

May 11, 2015 Monday

Instruction begins for May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 12, 2015 Tuesday

Final date to drop May Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change of course period ends for May Intersession classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 13, 2015 Wednesday

Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes

Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 15, 2015 Friday

Final date to drop May Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 20, 2015 Wednesday

Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

May 25, 2015 Monday

Memorial Day Holiday

May 27, 2015 Wednesday

Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

May 29, 2015 Friday

Final examinations for May Intersession classes

June 1, 2015 Monday

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

Instruction begins for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

June 2, 2015 Tuesday – Noon

May Intersession final grade report due

June 2, 2015 Tuesday

Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes

Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 3, 2015 Wednesday

Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes

Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 5, 2015 Friday

Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

Final date to make degree application for August graduation and be included in the commencement program

June 19, 2015 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

June 26, 2015 Friday

Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

July 2, 2015 Thursday

Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes

July 3, 2015 Friday

Independence Day Holiday

July 6, 2015 Monday

Final date to withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

July 6, 2015 Monday

Instruction begins for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 7, 2015 Tuesday – Noon

1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 7, 2015 Tuesday

Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 10, 2015 Friday

Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

July 17, 2015 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

July 24, 2015 Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final date to make degree application for August graduation. Name will not be in program.

July 31, 2015 Friday

Final date to withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, or 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

August 7, 2015 Friday

Final examinations for 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, and 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

August 7, 2015 Friday

Summer Commencement

August 11, 2015 Tuesday – Noon

13-Week Summer Session, 10-Week Summer Session, and 2nd Five-Week Summer Session final grade report due

August 16-19, Sun – Wed
Welcome Week

August 20, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 21, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 20 – Oct. 9 or Aug. 20 – Sept. 25 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 20 – Oct. 9 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

August 22, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 26, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 20 – Oct. 9 or Aug. 20 – Sept. 25 classes and receive a 75% refund.
0% refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes with a 100% refund
Final date to submit a federal financial aid appeal for Fall 2015

September 7, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 10, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes with a 75% refund.
0% refund after this date.

September 25, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 20 – Oct. 9 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

September 29, Tuesday
Final date to drop Sept. 28 – Oct. 30 classes and receive a 100% refund

October 2, Friday
Final date to drop Sept. 28 – Oct. 30 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 21 – Oct. 10 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

October 9, Friday
Final date to make degree application for December 2015, May 2016, August 2016 and December 2016 graduation.  For more information please visit

October 13, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 12 – Dec. 11 classes and receive a 100% refund Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 12 – Dec. 11 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 14, Wednesday Noon
Mid-term grade report due

October 16, Friday
Final date to drop Oct. 12 – Dec. 11 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

October 22-25, Thur – Sun.
Fall Break

October 26-November 16
Advance Registration for Spring 2016

October 27
Federal aid recipients must withdraw on or after this date to avoid a repayment of a portion of federal financial aid funds.

October 30, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

November 3, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 2 – Dec. 11 classes with a 100% refund

November 6, Friday
Final date to drop Nov. 2 – Dec. 11 classes and receive a 75% refund.
0% refund after this date.

November 13, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 12 – Dec. 11 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

November 25, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break. (No classes. University offices open).

November 26-29, Thur. – Sun.
Thanksgiving Holiday (University closed).

November 30, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 12 – Dec. 11 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

December 4, Friday
Study Day

December 5, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 7-11, Mon – Fri
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 12, Saturday
Winter Commencement

December 14, Monday – Noon
Final grade report due

Winter Intersession
December 14, Monday
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 15, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 18, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund.
0% refund after this date.

December 30, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

December 31, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

January 1, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 5, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due


January 7, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 8, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 7 – Feb. 26 or Jan. 7 – Feb. 12 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Jan. 7 – Feb. 26 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 9, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 13, Wednesday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 7 – Apr. 29 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Jan. 7 – Apr. 29 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 7 – Feb. 26 or Jan. 7 – Feb. 12 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date
Final date to submit a federal financial aid appeal for Spring 2016

January 18, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 28, Thursday
Final date to drop Jan. 7 – Apr 29 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 12, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 7 – Feb. 26 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

Final date to make degree application for the Spring 2017 semester

February 16, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 15 – Mar. 26 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 19, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 15 – Mar. 26 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 26, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 6 – Feb. 26 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non- attendance.

March 1, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 29 – Apr. 29 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Mar. 1 – Apr 29 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 2, Wednesday – Noon
Mid-term grade report due

March 4, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 29 – Apr 29 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

March 11, Friday

Federal aid recipients must withdraw on or after this date to avoid a repayment of a portion of federal .

March 18, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 7 – Apr 29 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

March 20-27, Sun-Sun
Spring Break

March 28- April 25
Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2016

March 29, Tuesday
Final date to a drop Mar. 28 – Apr. 29 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 1, Friday
Final date to a drop Mar. 28 – Apr. 29 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

April 8, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Mar. 28 – Apr. 29 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.

April 15, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Mar. 28 – Apr. 29 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 7 – Apr. 29 classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

April 22, Friday
Study Day

April 23, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

April 25 – 29, Mon – Fri
Final exams – day and night classes

April 30, Saturday

May 3, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due

May 9, Monday Instruction begins
May 10, Tuesday Final date to drop classes and receive a 100% refund
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credi
May 13, Friday
Final date to drop classes and receive a 75% refund.
0% refund after this date
May 18, Wednesday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
May 25, Wednesday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
May 27, FridayFinal examinations
May 31, TuesdayFinal grade report due by noon

May 9, MondayInstruction begins
May 10, Tuesday
Final date to drop classes and receive a 100% refund
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
May 13, Friday
Final date to drop classes and receive a 75% refund.
0% refund after this date
June 10, FridayFinal date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
June 24, FridayFinal date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
July 1, FridayFinal examinations
July 5, TuesdayFinal grade report due by noon

May 9, Monday Instruction begins
May 11, Wednesday Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
May 13, Friday Final date to drop classes and receive a 100% refund
May 27, Friday Final date to drop classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date
May 30, Monday Memorial Day Holiday – No classes. University closed
July 1, Friday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
July 4, Monday Independence Day Holiday – No classes. University closed
July 29, Friday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
August 5, Friday Finale examinations
August 9, Tuesday Final grade report due by noon

May 31, TuesdayInstruction begins

May 30, Monday Memorial Day Holiday – No classes. University closed
June 1, Wednesday Final date to drop classes and receive a 100% refund
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
June 6, Monday Final date to drop classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date
June 17, Friday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
June 24, Friday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
July 1, Friday Final examinations
July 5, Tuesday Final grade report due by noon

May 30, Monday Memorial Day Holiday – No classes. University closed
May 31, Tuesday Instruction begins
June 1, Wednesday Final date to drop classes and receive a 100% refund
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
June 6, Monday Final date to drop classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date
July 15, Friday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
July 29, Friday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
August 5, Friday Final examinations
August 9, Tuesday Final grade report due by noon

July 4, Monday Independence Day Holiday – No classes. University closed
July 5, Tuesday Instruction begins
July 6, Wednesday Final date to drop classes and receive a 100% refund
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
July 11, Monday Final date to drop classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date
July 22, Friday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
July 29, Friday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
August 5, Friday Final examinations
August 9, Tuesday Final grade report due by noon

July 18, Monday Instruction begins
July 19, Tuesday Final date to drop classes and receive a 100% refund
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
July 22, Friday Final date to drop classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date
July 27, Wednesday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
August 3, Wednesday Final date to officially withdraw from a course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
August 5, Friday Final examinations
August 9, Tuesday Final grade report due by noon

August 14-17, Sun – Wed
Welcome Week

August 18, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 19, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 18 – Oct. 7 or Aug. 18 – Sept. 23 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 18 – Oct. 7 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

August 20, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 24, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 18 – Dec. 9 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 18 – Oct. 7 or Aug. 18 – Sept. 23 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund at this date
Final date to drop Aug. 18 – Dec. 9 classes with a 100% refund

September 5, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 8, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 18 – Dec. 9 classes with a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

September 9, Friday
Final date to complete confirmation form and pay application fee for December 2016 graduation

September 23, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 18 – Oct. 7 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

September 27, Tuesday
Final date to drop Sept. 26 – Oct. 28 classes and receive a 100% refund

September 30, Friday
Final date to drop Sept. 26 – Oct. 28 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 18 – Oct. 7 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

October 11, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 10 – Dec 9 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 10 – Dec. 9 classes Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 12, Wednesday Noon
Mid-term grade report due

October 13 – 16, Thur – Sun.
Fall Break

October 18, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 10 – Dec. 9 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

October 24-November 14
Advance Registration for Spring 2017

October 28, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 18 – Dec. 9 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

November 1, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 31 – Dec. 9 classes with a 100% refund

November 4, Friday
Final date to drop Oct. 31 – Dec. 9 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

November 11, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 31 – Dec. 9 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

November 23, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break. No classes. University open

November 24-27, Thur. – Sun.
Thanksgiving Holiday. University closed

November 28, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 10 – Dec. 9 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 18 – Dec. 9 classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

December 2, Friday
Study Day

December 3, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 5 – 9, Mon – Fri
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 10, Saturday
Winter Commencement

December 12, Monday – Noon
Final grade report due

Winter Intersession

December 12, Monday
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 13, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 16, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

December 28, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

December 29, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

December 30, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 3, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due

Spring Semester 2017
January 12, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 13, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 12 – March 3 or Jan. 12 – Feb. 17 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Jan. 12 –March 3 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 14, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 16, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 19, Thursday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 12 – May 5 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop a Jan. 12 – May 5 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 12 – March 3 or Jan. 12 – February 17 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

February 2, Thursday
Final date to drop January 12 – May 5 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 17, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 12 – March 3 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

February 21, Tuesday
Final date to drop February 20 – March 31 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 24, Friday
Final date to drop February 20 – March 31 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 12 – March 3 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

March 7, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 6 – May 5 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 6 – May 5 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 8, Wednesday – Noon
Mid-term grade report due

March 10, Friday
Final date to drop March 6 – May 5 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

March 19-26, Sun-Sun
Spring Break

March 27, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 12 – May 5 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non- attendance

April 3 – 24
Advance registration for Summer and Fall 2017

April 4, Tuesday
Final date to a drop April 3 – May 5 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 7, Friday
Final date to a drop April 3 – May 5 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Final date to officially withdraw from April 3 – May 5 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.

April 14, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from April 3 – May 5 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
April 21, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from April 3 – May 5 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 12 – May 5 classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
Final date to officially withdraw from March 6 – May 5 classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

April 28, Friday
Study Day

April 29, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

May 1-5, Mon-Fri
Final exams – day and night classes

May 6, Saturday

May 9, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due

May 15, Monday
Instruction begins for May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 16, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 19, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

Final date to drop May Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 24, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

May 29, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday – No Classes

May 31, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

June 2, Friday
Final examinations for May Intersession classes
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

JUNE 5, Monday
Instruction begins for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

June 6, Tuesday – Noon
May Intersession final grade report due

June 6, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 7, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 9, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

June 16, Friday
Final date to complete confirmation form and pay application fee for August 2017 graduation

June 23, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

June 30, Friday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

July 4, Tuesday
Independence Day Holiday. UCA campus closed. No classes

July 7, Friday
Final date to withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance
Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes

July 10, Monday
Instruction begins for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 11, Tuesday – Noon
1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 11, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 14, Friday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

July 21, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

July 25, Tuesday
Final date to drop 3rd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

July 28, Friday
Final date to drop a 3rd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Final date to officially withdraw from 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.

August 4, Friday
Final date to withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, or 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes with a WP or WF grade unless already dropped for non-attendance

August 11, Friday
Final examinations for 13-Week Summer Session classes, 10-Week Summer Session classes, and 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

August 11, Friday
Summer Commencement

August 15, Tuesday – Noon
13-Week Summer Session, 10-Week Summer Session, and 2nd Five-Week Summer Session final grade report due

August 20-23, Sun – Wed
Welcome Week

August 24, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 25, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 24 – Oct. 13 or Aug. 24 – Sept. 29 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 24 – Oct. 13 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

August 26, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 30, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 24 – Dec. 15 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 24 – Oct. 13 or Aug. 24 – Sept. 29 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 24 – Dec. 15 classes with a 100% refund

September 4, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 14, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 24 – Dec. 15 classes with a 75% refund.
0% refund after this date.

September 19, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 24 – Sept. 29 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.  After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

October 3, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 2 – Nov. 3 classes and receive a 100% refund

October 4, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 24 – Oct. 13 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

October 6, Friday
Final date to drop Oct. 2 – Nov. 3 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

October 17, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 16 – Dec 15 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 16 – Dec. 15 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 18, Wednesday – Noon
Mid-term grade report due

October 19 – 22, Thur – Sun.
Fall Break

October 24, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 16 – Dec. 15 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

October 26, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 2 – Nov. 3 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

October 30, 2017
Federal aid recipients must withdraw on or after this date to avoid a repayment of a portion of federal financial aid funds.

October 30 – November 20                         
Advance Registration for Spring and Summer 2018

November 7, Tuesday                                  
Final date to drop Nov. 6 – Dec. 15 classes with a 100% refund

November 10, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 24 – Dec. 15 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.  After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.
Final date to drop Nov. 6 – Dec. 15 classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

November 22, Wednesday                        
Thanksgiving Break.  No classes.  Offices open

November 23-26, Thur. – Sun.                  
Thanksgiving Holiday.  University closed

November 27, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 16 – Dec. 15 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

November 30, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 6 – Dec. 15 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.  After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

December 1, Friday
Final day to make degree application for December graduation.
Name will not be in the commencement program.

December 8, Friday
Study Day

December 9, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 11 – 15, Mon – Fri
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 16, Saturday
Winter Commencement

December 18, Monday – Noon
Final grade report due

Winter Intersession
December 18, Monday                                 
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 19, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 22, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

January 2, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

January 5, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 9, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due

January 11, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 12, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 11 – March 2 or Jan. 11 – Feb. 16 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Jan. 11 – March 2 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
January 13, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 15, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 18, Thursday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 11 – May 4 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop a Jan. 11 – May 4 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 11 – March 2 or Jan. 11 – Feb. 16 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date

February 1, Thursday
Final date to drop Jan. 11 – May 4 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

February 6, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 11 – Feb. 16 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

February 20, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 19 – March 30 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 21, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 11 – March 2 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

February 23, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 19 – Mar. 30 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Final date to make degree application for May graduation and be included in the commencement program

March 6, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 5 – May 4 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 5 – May 4 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 7, Wednesday – Noon
Grades First Progress Report Due

March 9, Friday
Final date to drop March 5 – May 4 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

March 15, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 19 – March 30 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.
Federal aid recipients must withdraw on or after this date to avoid a repayment of a portion of federal financial aid funds.

March 18 – 25, Sun – Sun
Spring Break

March 30, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 11 – May 4 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

April 2 – April 23
Advance Registration for Fall 2018

April 3, Tuesday
Final date to a drop April 2 – May 4 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 6, Friday
Final date to a drop April 2 – May 4 classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

April 13, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Mar. 5 – May 4 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

April 20, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from April 2 – May 4 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.
Final date to make degree application for May graduation. Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 27, Friday
Study Day

April 28, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

April 30 – May 4, Mon-Fri
Final exams – day and night classes

May 5, Saturday

May 8, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due

May 14, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
May Intersession (May 14 – June 1)
8-Week (May 14 – July 6)
13-Week (May 14 – Aug. 10)

May 15, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-Week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession and 8-Week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 18, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-Week classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 28, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday – No Classes

May 29, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

June 1, Friday
Final examinations for May Intersession classes

June 4, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Sessions below:
Summer I 1st Five
Week (June 4 – July 6)
10-Week (June 4 – Aug. 10)
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

June 5, Tuesday – Noon
May Intersession final grade report due

June 5, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 6, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 8, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Final date to make degree application for August graduation and be included in the commencement program.

June 22, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from an 8-Week course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

June 28, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

July 4, Wednesday
Independence Day Holiday

July 6, Friday
Final examinations for Summer l 1st Five Week Summer Session classes

July 9, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer ll 2nd Five Week (July 9 – Aug. 10) Summer Session classes

July 10, Tuesday – Noon
1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 10, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 13, Friday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer ll Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

July 19, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

July 23, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer III Three-Week (July 23 – Aug. 10) Summer Session classes.

July 24, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive 100% refund.

July 25, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

July 27, Friday
Final date to drop a Three-Week Summer III classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

August 2, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from 2nd Five Week Summer ll Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

August 7, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Three-Week Summer Session III classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, only grades of A, B, C, D, F will be received.

August 10, Friday
Final examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five Week Summer II and Summer III Session classes

August 10, Friday
Summer Commencement

August 14, Tuesday – Noon
13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five-Week Summer II, and Three-week Summer III Session final grade report due

August 19-22, Sun – Wed
Welcome Week

August 22, Wednesday
Payment Due for Fall 2018 classes

August 23, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 24, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 23 – Oct. 12 or Aug. 23 – Sept. 28 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 23 – Oct. 12 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

August 25, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 29, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 23 – Dec. 14 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 23 – Oct. 12 or Aug. 23 – Sept. 28 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 23 – Dec. 14 classes with a 100% refund

September 3, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 10, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

September 13, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 23 – Dec. 14 classes with a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

September 17, Monday
Graduation Application – open for Spring 2019 in myUCA Self-Service

September 18, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 23 – Sept. 28 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 2, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 1 – Nov. 2 classes and receive a 100% refund.

October 3, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 23 – Oct. 12 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 5, Friday
Final date to drop Oct. 1 – Nov. 2 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Grades First Progress Report Due.

October 11 – 14, Thur – Sun.
Fall Break

October 15, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes
Graduation Application – open for Summer 2019 in myUCA Self-Service

October 16, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 15 – Dec 14 classes and receive a 100% refund Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 15 – Dec. 14 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 23, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 15 – Dec. 14 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

October 25, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 1 – Nov. 2 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 29 -November 19
Advance Registration for Spring and Summer 2019

November 6, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 5 – Dec. 14 classes with a 100% refund

November 9, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 23 – Dec. 14 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Final date to drop Nov. 5 – Dec. 14 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

November 19, Monday
Graduation Application – open for Fall 2019 in myUCA Self-Service

November 21, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break. No classes. Offices open

November 22-25, Thur. – Sun.
Thanksgiving Holiday. University closed

November 26, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 15 – Dec. 14 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 29, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 5– Dec. 14 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 30. Friday
Final day to make degree application for December graduation.
Name will not be in the commencement program.

December 7, Friday
Study Day

December 8, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 10 – 14, Mon – Fri
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 14, Friday
Graduate Commencement Ceremony

December 15, Saturday
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies

December 17, Monday – Noon
Final grade report due


December 17, Monday
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 18, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 21, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

January 1, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

January 4, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 8, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due


January 9, Wednesday
Payment Due for Spring 2019 classes

January 10, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 11, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 10 – March 1 or Jan. 10 – Feb. 15 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Jan. 10 – March 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 12, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 16, Wednesday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 10 – May 3 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop a Jan. 10 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 10 – March 1 or Jan. 10 – Feb. 15 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date

January 21, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 28, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

January 31, Thursday
Final date to drop Jan. 10 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 5, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 10 – Feb. 15 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 11, Monday
Progress Reporting period opens via Grades First

February 19, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 18 – March 29 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 20, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 10 – March 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 22, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 18 – Mar. 29 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to make degree application for the May graduation and be included in the commencement program.
Progress Reporting closes. All progress reports due by 12 P.M.

March 5, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 4 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 4 – May 3 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 8, Friday
Final date to drop March 4 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

March 13, Wednesday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

March 14, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 18 – March 29 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

March 17 – 24, Sun – Sun
Spring Break

March 29, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 10 – May 3 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 1 – April 22
Advance Registration for Fall 2019

April 2, Tuesday
Final date to a drop April 1 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 5, Friday
Final date to a drop April 1 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

April 12, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 4 – May 3 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 19, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from April 1 – May 3 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Final date to make degree application for May graduation.
Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 26, Friday
Study Day

April 27, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

April 29 – May 3, Mon-Fri
Final exams – day and night classes

May 3, Friday
Graduate Commencement Ceremony

May 4, Saturday
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies

May 7, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due


May 9, Thursday
May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 10, Friday
Payment Due for May Intersession, 8-week and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 13, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below: May Intersession (May 13 – May 31) 8-Week (May 13 – July 5) 13-Week (May 13 – Aug. 9)

May 14, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession and 8-week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 17, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes. Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 27, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday – No Classes

May 28, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

May 30, Thursday
1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 31, Friday
Final examinations for May Intersession classes

May 31, Friday
Payment Due for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

June 3, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Sessions below: Summer l 1st Five Week (June 3 – July 5) 10-Week (June 3 – Aug. 9)
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

June 4, Tuesday – Noon
May Intersession final grade report due

June 4, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 5, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 7, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to make degree application for August graduation and be included in the commencement program.

June 21, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from an 8-Week course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 27, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 4, Thursday
Independence Day Holiday

July 5, Friday
Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes
2nd Five Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed
Payment Due for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 8, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer ll 2nd Five Week (July 8 – Aug. 9) Summer Session classes.

July 9, Tuesday – Noon
1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 9, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 12, Friday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

July 18, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 22, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer III Three-Week (July 22 – Aug. 9) Summer Session classes.

July 23, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive 100% refund.

July 24, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 26, Friday
Final date to drop a Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

August 1, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 2nd Five-Week Summer ll Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 6, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Three-Week Summer Session III classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 9, Friday
Final examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five-Week Summer ll and Summer III Session classes

August 10, Saturday
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony
Graduate Commencement Ceremony

August 13, Tuesday – Noon
13-Week, 10-Week, and 2nd Five-Week Summer II and Three-Week Summer III Session final grade report due.

August 18-21, Sun – Wed
Welcome Week

August 19, Monday
Opening Convocation

August 21, Wednesday
Payment Due for Fall 2019 classes

August 22, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 23, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 or Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

August 24, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 28, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 or Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes with a 100% refund

September 2, Monday
Labor Day Holiday. Campus Closed.

September 9, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

September 12, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 22- Dec. 13 classes with a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

September 13, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final day to make degree application for December graduation.

September 17, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Sept. 27 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 23, Monday
Progress Reporting period opens via Grades First

October 1, Tuesday Noon
Final Grade report due for First 5-Week Fall Term (Aug. 22 – Sept. 27) classes.

October 1, Tuesday
Final date to drop Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.

October 2, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Oct. 11 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 4, Friday
Final date to drop Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Progress Reporting closes. All progress reports due by 12 P.M.
Undergraduate graduates: Final day to make degree application for December and name be in the commencement program.

October 14, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

October 15, Tuesday Noon
Final Grade report due First 8-Week Term (Aug. 22 – Oct. 11) classes.

October 15, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 14 – Dec 13 classes and receive a 100% refund Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 17 – 20, Thur – Sun.
Fall Break

October 22, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

October 24, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Sept. 30 – Nov. 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 28 -November 18
Advance Registration for Spring 2020

November 5, Tuesday Noon
Final Grade report due for Second 5-Week Fall Term (Sept. 30 – Nov. 1) classes.

November 5, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes with a 100% refund

November 8, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 22 – Dec. 13 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Final date to drop Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

November 22. Friday
Undergraduate graduates: Final day to make degree application for December graduation. Name will not be in the commencement program.

November 27, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break. No classes. Offices open

November 28-Dec. 1, Thur. – Sun.
Thanksgiving Holiday. University closed

(Due to Thanksgiving break drop date is extended)

December 2, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 14 – Dec. 13 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 2, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 4 – Dec. 13 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 6, Friday
Study Day

December 7, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 9 – 13, Mon – Fri
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 13, Friday
Graduate Winter Commencement

December 14, Saturday
Undergraduate Winter Commencement

December 16, Monday – Noon
Final grade report due

December 16, Monday
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 17, Tuesday;
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 20, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

December 31, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

January 3, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 7, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due

January 8, Wednesday
Payment Due for Spring 2020 classes

January 9 Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 10, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 9 – February 28 or Jan. 9 – Feb. 14 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Jan. 9 – February 28 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 11, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 15, Wednesday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 9 – May 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop a Jan. 9 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 or Jan. 9 – Feb. 14 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date

January 20, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 26, Tuesday Noon
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

January 27, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

January 30, Thursday
Final date to drop Jan. 9 – May 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 4, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – Feb. 14 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 7, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for May graduation.

February 10, Monday
Progress Reporting period opens via Grades First

February 18, Tuesday Noon
Final Grade report due for First 5-Week Spring Term (Jan. 9 – Feb. 14) classes.

February 18, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 17 – March 27 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 19, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – Feb. 28 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 21, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 17 – Mar. 27 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Undergraduate graduates: Final date to make degree application for the May graduation and be included in the commencement program.
Progress Reporting closes. All progress reports due today.

March 3, Tuesday Noon
Final Grade report due for First 8-Week Spring Term (Jan. 9 – Feb. 28) classes.

March 3, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 2 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 2 – May 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 6, Friday
Final date to drop March 2 – May 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

March 12, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 17 – March 27 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

March 16, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

March 22 – 29, Sun – Sun
Spring Break

March 30 – April 20
Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2020

March 31, Tuesday Noon
Final Grade report due for Second 5-Week Term (Feb. 17 – March 27) classes.

March 31, Tuesday
Final date to a drop March 30 – May 1 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 3, Friday
Final date to a drop March 30 – May 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

April 15, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 9 – May 1 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.


April 17, Friday

Final date to officially withdraw from March 2 – May 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

Final date to officially withdraw from March 30 – May 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Undergraduate graduates: Final date to make degree application for May graduation. Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 24, Friday
Study Day

April 25, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

April 27 – May 1, Mon-Fri
Final exams – day and night classes

May 1, Friday
Graduate Spring Commencement

May 2, Saturday
Undergraduate Spring Commencement

May 5, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due

May 7, Thursday
May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 8, Friday
Payment Due for May Intersession, 8-week and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 11, Monday Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
May Intersession (May 11 – May 29)
8-Week (May 11 – July 2)
13-Week (May 11 – Aug. 7)

May 12, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession and 8-week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 15, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes. Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 25, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday – No Classes

May 26, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

May 28, Thursday
1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 29, Friday
Final examinations for May Intersession classes

May 29, Friday
Payment Due for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

June 1, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Sessions below:
Summer l 1st Five Week (June 1 – July 2)
10-Week (June 1 – Aug. 7)

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

June 2, Tuesday – Noon
May Intersession final grade report due

June 2, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 3, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 5, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five-Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Undergraduate graduate: Final date to make degree application for August graduation and be included in the commencement program.
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for August.

June 19, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from an 8-Week course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 25, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 2, Thursday
Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes
2nd Five Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed
Payment Due for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 3, Friday
University closed in observance of Independence Day

July 4, Saturday
Independence Day Holiday

July 6, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer II 2nd Five Week (July 6 – Aug. 7) Summer Session classes.

July 7, Tuesday – Noon
1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 7, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 10, Friday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

July 16, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 20, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer III Three-Week (July 20 – Aug. 7) Summer Session classes.

July 21, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

July 22, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 24, Friday
Final date to drop a Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.
Undergraduate graduates: Final day to make degree application for August graduation. Name will not be in the commencement program.

July 30, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 2nd Five-Week Summer II Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 4, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Three-Week Summer Session III classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 7, Friday
Final examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five-Week Summer II and Summer III Session classes

August 7, Friday, 7:30 p.m.
Graduate Ceremony
Estes Stadium

August 8, Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Undergraduate Ceremony
Estes Stadium
There will be one combined undergraduate ceremony and not four as tentatively scheduled.

Students will be emailed information about commencement and also on how to get their seven tickets (one for students and six for parents/guests).

August 11, Tuesday – Noon
13-Week, 10-Week, and 2nd Five-Week Summer II and Three-Week Summer III Session final grade

August 15-19, Sat – Wed
Welcome Week

August 17, Monday
Opening Convocation

August 19, Wednesday
Payment Due for Fall 2020 classes

August 20, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 21, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 20 – Oct. 9 or Aug. 20 – Sept. 25 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 20 – Oct. 9 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

August 22, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 26, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 20 – Oct. 9 or Aug. 20 – Sept. 25 classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes with a 100% refund

September 7, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 8, Tuesday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

September 10, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes with a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

September 15, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 20 – Sept. 25 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 21, Monday
Progress Reporting period opens via Grade First

September 29, Tuesday Noon
Final grade reports due for First 5-Week Fall Term (Aug. 20 – Sept. 25) classes

September 29, Tuesday
Final date to drop Sept. 28 – Oct. 30 classes and receive a 100% refund.

September 30, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 20 – Oct. 9 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 2, Friday
Final date to drop Sept. 28 – Oct. 30 classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.
Progress Reporting closes. All progress reports due today.

October 12, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

October 13, Tuesday Noon
Final grade reports due for First 8-Week Fall Term (Aug. 20 – Oct. 9) classes.

October 13, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 12 – Dec 11 classes and receive a 100% refund
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 14, Wednesday Noon
Grades First Progress Report due for First 8-Week Fall Term (Aug. 20 – Oct. 9) classes

October 20, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 12 – Dec. 11 classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

October 22, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Sept. 28 – Oct 30 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 28 – November 10
Advance Registration for Spring 2021

November 2, Monday
Undergraduate graduating seniors:  Final date to make degree application for December graduation and be included in the commencement program.

November 3, Tuesday Noon
Final grade reports due for Second 5-Week Fall Term (Sept. 28 – Oct. 30) classes

November 3, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 2 – Dec. 11 classes with a 100% refund

November 6, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 20 – Dec. 11 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Final date to drop Nov. 2 – Dec. 11 classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

November 20, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 12 – Dec. 11 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 20, Friday
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final day to make degree application for December graduation. Name will not be in the commencement program.

November 20, Friday
Last day of scheduled in-person instruction for M-F classes.

November 21, Saturday
Last day of scheduled in-person instruction for Saturday only classes.

November 23 – 25, Mon. – Wed.
Thanksgiving Break. No classes. Offices open.

November 26-29, Thur. – Sun.
University offices closed.


November 30, Monday
University offices reopen.
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 2– Dec. 11 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 4, Friday
Study Day

December 5, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 7 – 11, Mon – Fri
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 11-12, Saturday
Winter Commencement Ceremonies

December 14, Monday – Noon
Final grade report due

December 14, Monday
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession
December 15, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
December 18, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.
December 29, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
January 1, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession
January 5, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due

January 15, Friday
Payment Due for Spring 2021 classes

January 18, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 19, Tuesday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 20, Wednesday
Final date to drop Jan. 19 – March 5 or Jan. 19 – Feb. 19 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Jan. 19 – March 5 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

January 23, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes.

January 25, Monday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 19 – May 7 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency
Final date to drop a Jan. 19 – May 7 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 19 – Feb. 19 or Jan. 19 – March 5 classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit.

January 26, Tuesday Noon
Non-Attendance Reporting deadline

February 3, Wednesday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

February 8, Monday
Final date to drop Jan. 19 – May 7 classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

February 9, Tuesday
Graduate School Graduates: Final date to make degree application for May graduation.

February 12, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 19 – Feb. 19 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 19, Friday
Progress reporting period opens.

February 22, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 19 – March 5 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 23, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 22 – April 2 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 26, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 22 – April 2 classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

Undergraduate graduation seniors: Final date to make degree application for the May graduation and be included in the commencement program.

March 1, Monday
Progress reporting period closes. All progress reports due by noon.

March 9, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 8 – May 7 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 8 – May 7 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 10 – April 1
Priority and Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2021

March 12, Friday
Final date to drop March 8 – May 7 classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

March 18, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 22 – April 2 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

March 19, Friday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

March 21 – 28, Sun – Sun
Spring Break

April 6, Tuesday Noon
Final grade reports due for Second 5-Week Spring Term (Feb 22 – April 2) classes.

April 6, Tuesday
Final date to a drop April 5 – May 7 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 9, Friday
Final date to drop a April 5 – May 7 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

April 12, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 19 – May 7 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 23, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 8 – May 7 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 29, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from April 5 – May 7 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Undergraduate graduation seniors: Final date to make degree application for May graduation.
Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 30, Friday
Study Day

May 1, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

May 3 – May 7, Mon-Fri
Final exams – day and night classes

May 7, Friday
Graduate School Commencement Ceremony

May 8, Saturday
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies

May 11, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due

May 6, Thursday
May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 7, Friday
Payment Due for May Intersession, 8-week and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 10, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
May Intersession (May 10 – May 28)
8-Week (May 10 – July 2)
13-Week (May 10 – Aug. 6)

May 11, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession and 8-week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 14, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session Classes.
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 25, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

May 27, Thursday
1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 28, Friday
Final examinations for May Intersession classes

May 28, Friday
Payment Due for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes

May 31, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday – No Classes

June 1, Tuesday
Instruction begins for Summer Sessions below:
Summer l 1st Five Week (June 1 – July 2)
10-Week (June 1 – Aug. 6)

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

June 2, Wednesday – Noon
May Intersession final grade report due

June 2, Wednesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 3, Thursday
Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 7, MondayFinal date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for August graduation and be included in the commencement program.

June 18, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from an 8-Week course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 25, Friday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 2, Friday
Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes
2nd Five Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed
Payment Due for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 4, Sunday
Independence Day Holiday
July 5, Monday
Independence Day Observed. Campus Closed

July 6, Tuesday
Instruction begins for Summer II 2nd Five Week (July 6 – Aug. 6) Summer Session classes.
July 7, Wednesday – Noon
1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 7, Wednesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 12, Monday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

July 16, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 19, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer III Three-Week (July 19 – Aug. 6) Summer Session classes.

July 20, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive 100% refund.

July 21, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 23, Friday
Final date to drop a Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive a 75% refund.
0% refund after this date.

July 29, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 2nd Five-Week Summer II Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 30, Friday
Undergraduate graduating seniors:  Final date to make degree application for August graduation.  Name will not be included in the commencement program.

August 3, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Three-Week Summer Session III classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 6, Friday
Final examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five-Week Summer II and Summer III Session classes

August 7, Saturday
Graduate – 10:00 AM
Undergraduate – 1:00 PM

August 10, Tuesday – Noon
13-Week, 10-Week, and 2nd Five-Week Summer II and Three-Week Summer III Session final grade report due.

August 14-18, Sat – Wed
Welcome Week

August 16, Monday
Opening Convocation

August 18, Wednesday
Payment Due for Fall 2021 classes

August 19, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 20, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 19 – Oct. 8 or Aug. 19 – Sept. 24 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 19 – Oct. 8 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

August 21, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 25, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 19 – Dec. 10 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 19 – Oct. 8 or Aug. 19 – Sept. 24 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 19 – Dec. 10 classes with a 100% refund
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

August 26, Thursday – Noon
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

September 3, Friday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

September 6, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 9, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 19 – Dec. 10 classes with a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

September 10, Friday
Graduate School graduates:
Final date to make degree application for December graduation.

September 16, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 19 – Sept. 24 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 17, Friday
Progress reporting period opens

September 24, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 19 – Oct. 8 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 27, Monday
Progress reporting period closes

September 28, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due for First 5-Week Fall Term (August 19 – September 24) classes

September 28, Tuesday
Final date to drop Sept. 27 – Oct. 29 classes and receive a 100% refund.

October 1, Friday
Final date to drop Sept. 27 – Oct. 29 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

Undergraduate graduating seniors:
Final date to make degree application for December graduation and be included in the commencement program.

October 12, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade reports due for First 8-Week Fall Term (August 19 – October 8) classes

October 12, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 11 – Dec 10 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 11 – Dec. 10 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 18, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

October 19, Tuesday:
Final date to drop Oct. 11 – Dec. 10 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

October 20, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Sept. 27 – Oct 29 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded

October 21- 24, Thur – Sun.
Fall Break

October 27 – November 5
Priority and Advance Registration for Spring 2022

November 2, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade reports due for Second 5-Week Fall Term (Sept. 27 – Oct. 29) classes

November 2, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 1 – Dec. 10 classes with a 100% refund

November 5, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 19 – Dec. 10 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

Final date to drop Nov. 1 – Dec. 10 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

November 19, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 11 – Dec. 10 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 22, Monday
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final day to make degree application for December graduation. Name will not be in the commencement program

November 24, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break. No classes. Offices open

November 25-28, Thur. – Sun.
Thanksgiving Holiday. University closed

November 29, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 1– Dec. 10 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 3, Friday
Study Day

December 4, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 6 – 10, Mon – Fri
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 10, Friday
Graduate School Winter Commencement

December 11, Saturday
Undergraduate Winter Commencement

December 13, Monday – Noon
Final grade reports due

December 13, Monday
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 14, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 17, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

December 28, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 31, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession.

January 4, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due.

January 12, Wednesday
Payment Due for Spring 2022 classes

January 13, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 14, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 13 – March 4 or Jan. 13 – Feb. 18 classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change of course period ends for Jan. 13 – March 4 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 15, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 17, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday; UCA Closed

January 20, Thursday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 13 – May 6 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

Final date to drop a Jan. 13 – May 6 classes and receive a 100% refund.

Final date to drop Jan. 13 – March 4 or Jan. 13 – Feb. 18 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date

January 21, Friday – Noon
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

January 31, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

February 3, Thursday
Final date to drop Jan. 13 – May 6 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 4, Friday
Graduate School graduates:
Final date to make degree application for May graduation.

February 8, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 13 – Feb. 18 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 11, Friday
Progress reporting period opens

February 18, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 13 – March 4 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 21, Monday
Progress reporting period closes

February 22, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade reports due for First 5-Week Spring Term (January 13 – February 18) classes.

February 22, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 21 – April 1 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 25, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 21 – April 1 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for the May graduation and be included in the commencement program.

March 8, Tuesday Noon
Final grade report due for First 8-Week Spring Term (January 13 – March 4) classes.

March 8, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 7 – May 6 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 7 – May 6 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 11, Friday
Final date to drop March 7 – May 6 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

March 14, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

March 17, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 21 – April 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

March 20 – 27, Sun – Sun
Spring Break

March 30 – April 12
Priority and Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2022

April 5, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due for Second 5-Week Spring Term (February 21 – April 1) classes

April 5, Tuesday
Final date to drop April 4 – May 6 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 8, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 13 – May 6 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

Final date to a drop April 4 – May 6 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

April 22, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 7 – May 6 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 28, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from April 4 – May 6 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for May graduation. Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 29, Friday
Study Day

April 30, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

May 2 – May 6, Mon-Fri
Final exams – day and night classes

May 6, Friday
Graduate School Commencement Ceremony

May 7, Saturday
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies

May 10, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due

May 12, Thursday
May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 13, Friday
Payment Due for May Intersession, 8-week and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 16, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
May Intersession (May 16 – June 3)
8-Week (May 16 – July 8)
13-Week (May 16 – Aug. 12)

May 17, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession and 8-week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

May 20, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes.
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 30, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday. No classes and University is closed.

June 1, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 2, Thursday
1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

June 3, Friday
Final examinations for May Intersession classes

June 3, Friday
Payment Due for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes.

June 6, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Sessions below:
Summer l 1st Five Week (June 6 – July 8)
10-Week (June 6 – Aug. 12)

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

June 7, Tuesday – Noon
May Intersession final grade report due

June 7, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 10, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for August graduation.

June 24, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from an 8-Week course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 30, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 4, Monday
Independence Day Holiday. Campus is closed.

July 8, Friday
Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes
2nd Five Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed
Payment Due for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 11, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer ll 2nd Five Week (July 11 – Aug. 12) Summer Session classes.

July 12, Tuesday – Noon
1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 12, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

July 15, Friday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

July 22, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 25, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer lll Three-Week (July 25 – Aug 12) Summer Session classes.

July 26, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer lll Session classes and receive 100% refund.

July 27, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 29, Friday
Final date to drop a Three-Week Summer lll Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

August 4, Thursday

Final date to withdraw from 2nd Five-Week Summer ll Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 9, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Three-Week Summer Session lll classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 12, Friday
Final examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five-Week Summer ll and Summer lll Session classes
Graduate Summer Commencement – PT/OT, Communication Sciences & Disorders

August 13, Saturday
Graduate Summer Commencement – Remaining Colleges/Programs

August 16, Tuesday – Noon
13-Week, 10-Week, and 2nd Five-Week Summer ll and Three-Week Summer lll Session final grade report due

August 20-24, Sat – Wed
Welcome Week

August 22, Monday
Freshman Convocation – Evening TBA

August 24, Wednesday
Payment Due for Fall 2022 classes

Faculty/Staff Convocation
Reynolds Performance Hall – 9:00 a.m.

August 25, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 26, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 25 – Oct. 14 or Aug. 25 – Sept. 30 classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 25 – Oct. 14 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

August 27, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 31, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 25 – Dec. 16 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 25 – Oct. 14 or Aug. 25 – Sept. 30 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 25 – Dec. 16 classes with a 100% refund

September 1, Noon
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

September 5, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 13, Tuesday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

September 15, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 25 – Dec. 16 classes with a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

September 16, Friday
Graduate School graduates:  Final date to make degree application for December graduation. 

September 22, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 25 – Sept. 30 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

September 23, Friday
Progress Reporting period opens

October 3, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 25 – Oct. 14 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 3, Monday
Progress Reporting closes.  All progress reports due.

October 4, Tuesday Noon
Final grade report due for First 5-Week Fall Term (August 25 – September 30) classes

October 4, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 3 – Nov. 4 classes and receive a 100% refund.

October 7, Friday
Final date to drop Oct. 3 – Nov. 4 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.
Undergraduate graduating seniors:  Final date to make degree application for December graduation and be included in the commencement program.

October 17, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

October 18, Tuesday Noon
Final grade reports due for First 8-Week Fall Term (August 25 – October 14) classes

October 18, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 17 – Dec 16 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 17 – Dec. 16 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 20 – 23, Thur – Sun.
Fall Break

October 25, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 17 – Dec. 16 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

October 26 – November 8
Priority and Advance Registration for Spring 2023

October 27, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 3 – Nov. 4 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendanceAfter this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 8, Tuesday Noon
Final grade reports due for Second 5-Week Fall Term (Oct. 3 – Nov. 4) classes

November 8, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 7 – Dec. 16 classes with a 100% refund

November 11, Friday
Final date to drop Nov. 7 – Dec. 16 classes and receive a  75% refund.  No refund after this date.

November 16, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 25 – Dec. 16 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.  After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 23, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break.  No classes.  Offices open

November 24-27, Thur. – Sun.
Thanksgiving Holiday.  University closed

November 28, Monday
Undergraduate graduating seniors:  Final day to make degree application for December graduation.  Name will not be in the commencement program

December 2, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 17 – Dec. 16 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 7, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 7– Dec. 16 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 9, Friday
Study Day

December 10, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 12 – 16, Mon – Fri
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 16, Friday
Graduate School Winter Commencement

December 17, Saturday
Undergraduate Winter Commencement

December 19, Monday – Noon
Final grade reports due

December 19, Monday
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 20, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 23, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

January 2, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

January 6, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession.

January 10, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due.

January 11, Wednesday
Payment Due for Spring 2023 classes

January 12, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 13, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 12 – March 3 or Jan. 12 – Feb. 17 classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change of course period ends for Jan. 12 –  March 3 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 14, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 16, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 19, Thursday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 12 – May 5 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency
Final date to drop a Jan. 12 – May 5 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 12 – March 3 or Jan. 12 – Feb. 17 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date

January 20, Friday Noon
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

January 30, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

February 3, Friday
Graduate School graduates:  Final date to make degree application for May graduation.

February 6, Monday
Final date to drop Jan. 12 – May 5 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 8, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 12 – Feb. 17 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 10, Friday
Progress Reporting period opens

February 20, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 12 – March 3 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

Progress Reporting closes.

February 21, Tuesday Noon
Final grade reports due for First 5-Week Spring Term (January 12 – February 17) classes.

February 21, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 20 – March 31 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 24, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 20 – March 31 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.
Undergraduate graduating seniors:  Final date to make degree application for the May graduation and be included in the commencement program.

March 7, Tuesday Noon
Final grade report due for First 8-Week Spring Term (January 12 – March 3) classes.

March 7, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 6 – May 5 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 6 – May 5 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 10, Friday
Final date to drop March 6 – May 5 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

March 15, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 20 – March 31 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

March 19 – 26, Sun – Sun
Spring Break

March 27, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

March 29 – April 11
Priority and Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2023

April 4, Tuesday Noon
Final grade report due for Second 5-Week Spring Term (February 20 – March 31) classes

April 4, Tuesday
Final date to a drop April 3 – May 5 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 7, Friday
Final date to a drop April 3 – May 5 classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

April 10, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 12 – May 5 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.  After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 21, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 6 – May 5 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 26, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from April 3 – May 5 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.
Undergraduate graduating seniors:  Final date to make degree application for May graduation.  Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 28, Friday
Study Day

April 29, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

May 1 – May 5, Mon-Fri
Final exams – day and night classes

May 5, Friday
Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremonies
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences – 4pm
Graduate School – 7pm

May 6, Saturday
Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremonies
College of Business & College of Education – 9am
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Exercise Science, Health Sciences, Nutrition and Family Sciences, Psychology and Counseling) – Noon
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Nursing, Communication Sciences and Disorders) & College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics – 3pm

May 9, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due

May 11, Thursday
May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 12, Friday
Payment Due for May Intersession, 8-week and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 15, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
May Intersession (May 15 – June 2)
8-Week (May 15 – July 7)
13-Week (May 15 – Aug. 11)

May 16, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession and 8-week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 19, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes.
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 29, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday. No classes and University is closed.

May 31, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 1, Thursday
1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

June 2, Friday
Final examinations for May Intersession classes

June 2, Friday
Payment Due for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes.

June 5, Monday Instruction begins for Summer Sessions below:
Summer l 1
st Five Week (June 5 – July 7)
10-Week (June 5 – Aug. 11)

Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

June 6, Tuesday – Noon
May Intersession final grade report due

June 6, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes

Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 9, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

Graduate School graduates:  Final date to make degree application for August graduation.

June 23, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from an 8-Week course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 29, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 4, Tuesday
Independence Day Holiday.  Campus is closed.

July 7, Friday
Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes
2nd Five Week Summer Session Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed
Payment Due for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 10, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer ll 2nd Five Week (July 10 – Aug. 11) Summer Session classes.

July 11, Tuesday – Noon
1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 11, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 14, Friday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  No refund after this date.

July 20, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.  After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 24, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer lll Three-Week (July 24 – Aug 11) Summer Session classes.

July 25, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer lll Session classes and receive 100% refund.

July 26, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.  After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 28, Friday
Final date to drop a Three-Week Summer lll Session classes and receive a 75% refund.  0% refund after this date.

August 3, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 2nd Five-Week Summer ll Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.  After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 8, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Three-Week Summer Session lll classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 11, Friday
Final examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five-Week Summer ll and Summer lll Session classes

August 12, Saturday
Graduate School Summer Commencement
9:00AM – Ceremony I
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
College of Business
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Communication Sciences and Disorders, Exercise Science, Occupational Therapy, Psychology & Counseling, School of Nursing, Sport Management)

12PM (Noon) – Ceremony II
College of Education
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Health Science, Nutrition & Family Science, Physical Therapy)

August 15, Tuesday – Noon
13-Week, 10-Week, and 2nd Five-Week Summer ll and Three-Week Summer lll Session final grade report due.

August 19-23, Saturday – Wednesday
Welcome Week

August 21, Monday
Opening Convocation

August 23, Wednesday
Payment Due for Fall 2023 classes

August 24, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

August 25, Friday
Final date to drop Aug. 24 – Oct. 13 or Aug. 24 – Sept. 29 classes
and receive a 100% refund

Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 24 – Oct. 13 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

August 26, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

August 30, Wednesday
Change-of-course period ends for Aug. 24 – Dec. 15 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop Aug. 24 – Oct. 13 or Aug. 24 – Sept. 29 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date
Final date to drop Aug. 24 – Dec. 15 classes with a 100% refund

August 31, Noon
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

September 4, Monday
Labor Day Holiday

September 12, Tuesday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

September 14, Thursday
Final date to drop Aug. 24 – Dec. 15 classes with a 75% refund.
No refund after this date.

September 15, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree
application for December graduation.

September 21, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 24 – Sept. 29 classes
with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades
are recorded.

September 22, Friday
Progress Reporting period opens

October 2, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 24 – Oct. 13 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

October 2, Monday
Progress Reporting closes. All progress reports due.

October 3, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due for First 5-Week Fall Term (August 25 –
September 30) classes

October 3, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 2 – Nov. 3 classes and receive a 100%

October 6, Friday
Final date to drop Oct. 2 – Nov. 3 classes and receive a 75%
refund. No refund after this date.

Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree
application for December graduation and be included in the
commencement program.

October 16, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from

October 17, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade reports due for First 8-Week Fall Term (August 24 –
October 13) classes

October 17, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 16 – Dec 15 classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for Oct. 16 – Dec. 15 classes
Last date to register
Last date to add classes
Last date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

October 19 – 22, Thursday – Sunday
Fall Break

October 24, Tuesday
Final date to drop Oct. 16 – Dec. 15 classes and receive a 75%
refund. No refund after this date.

October 25 – November 7
Priority and Advance Registration for Spring 2024

October 26, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 2 – Nov. 3 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 7, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade reports due for Second 5-Week Fall Term (Oct. 2 – Nov. 3) classes

November 7, Tuesday
Final date to drop Nov. 6 – Dec. 15 classes with a 100% refund

November 10, Friday
Final date to drop Nov. 6 – Dec. 15 classes and receive a 75%
refund. No refund after this date.

November 15, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Aug. 24 – Dec. 15 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

November 22, Wednesday
Thanksgiving Break. No classes. Offices open, working remotely

November 23-26, Thursday – Sunday
Thanksgiving Holiday. University closed

November 27, Monday
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final day to make degree application for December graduation. Name will not be in the commencement program

December 1, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from Oct. 16 – Dec. 15 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 6, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Nov. 6– Dec. 15 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

December 8, Friday
Study Day

December 9, Saturday
Final Exams – Saturday classes

December 11 – 15, Monday – Friday
Final Examinations – day and night classes

December 15, Friday
Graduate School Winter Graduation Ceremony (All Colleges)

December 16, Saturday
Undergraduate Winter Graduation Ceremonies
9AM: College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; and College of Business
12PM: College of Education, College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, and College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

December 18, Monday – Noon
Final grade reports due

December 18, Monday
Instruction begins for the Winter Intersession

December 19, Tuesday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change-of-course period ends
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

December 22, Friday
Final date to drop Winter Intersession classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

January 2, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a class or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance.
After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

January 5, Friday
Final examinations for Winter Intersession

January 9, Tuesday – Noon
Winter Intersession final grades report due

January 10, Wednesday
Payment Due for Spring 2024 classes

January 11, Thursday
Instruction begins – day and evening classes

January 12, Friday
Final date to drop Jan. 11 – March 1 or Jan. 11 – Feb. 16 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for Jan. 11 – March 1 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

January 13, Saturday
Instruction begins – Saturday classes

January 15, Monday
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 18, Thursday
Change of course period ends for Jan. 11 – May 3 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to change to Arkansas residency
Final date to drop a Jan. 11 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Final date to drop Jan. 11 – March 1 or Jan. 11 – Feb. 16 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date
Final date to change to Arkansas residency

January 19, Friday – Noon
Non-Attendance Reporting Deadline

January 29, Monday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

February 1, Thursday
Final date to drop Jan. 11 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

February 2, Friday
Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for May graduation.

February 7, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 11 – Feb. 16 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

February 9, Friday
Progress Reporting period opens

February 19, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 11 – March 1 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

Progress Reporting closes.

February 20, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade reports due for First 5-Week Spring Term (January 11 – February 16) classes.

February 20, Tuesday
Final date to drop Feb. 19 – March 29 classes and receive a 100% refund

February 23, Friday
Final date to drop Feb. 19 – March 29 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for the May graduation and be included in the commencement program.

March 5, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due for First 8-Week Spring Term (January 11– March 1) classes.

March 5, Tuesday
Final date to drop March 4 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for March 4 – May 3 classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

March 8, Friday
Final date to drop March 4 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

March 11, Monday
Final date to pay at least 60% of bill before being dropped from classes

March 13, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Feb. 19 – March 29 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

March 17 – 24, Sunday – Sunday
Spring Break

March 27 – April 9
Priority and Advance Registration for Summer and Fall 2024

April 2, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due for Second 5-Week Spring Term(February 19 – March 29) classes

April 2, Tuesday
Final date to a drop April 1 – May 3 classes and receive a 100% refund.

April 5, Friday
Final date to a drop April 1 – May 3 classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

April 8, Monday
Final date to officially withdraw from Jan. 11 – May 3 classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for nonattendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 19, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from March 4 – May 3 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

April 24, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from April 1 – May 3 classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

Undergraduate graduating seniors: Final date to make degree application for May graduation. Name will not be included in the commencement program.

April 26, Friday
Study Day

April 27, Saturday
Final exams – Saturday classes

April 29 – May 3, Monday-Friday
Final exams – day and night classes

May 3, Friday
Graduate School Commencement Ceremony (All Colleges) – 5PM

May 4, Saturday
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences – 9AM
College of Business & College of Education – 11:30AM
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Exercise Science, Health Sciences, Nutrition and Family Sciences, Psychology and Counseling) – 2PM
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (Nursing, Communication Sciences and Disorders) & College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics – 4:30PM

May 7, Tuesday – Noon
Final grade report due

May 2, Thursday
May Intersession and 13-Week Summer Session

May 9, Thursday
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 10, Friday
Payment Due for May Intersession, 8-week and 13-Week Summer Session classes

May 13, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Session classes below:
May Intersession (May 13 – May 31)
8-Week (May 13 – July 5)
13-Week (May 13 – Aug. 9)

May 14, Tuesday
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 100% refund.
Change of course period ends for May Intersession and 8-week classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

May 17, Friday
Change of course period ends for 13-Week Summer Session classes.
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit
Final date to drop May Intersession and 8-week classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

May 27, Monday
Memorial Day Holiday. No classes and University is closed.

May 29, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from a May Intersession course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

May 30, Thursday
1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed

May 31, Friday
Final examinations for May Intersession classes

May 31, Friday
Payment Due for 1st Five Week Summer Session and 10-Week Summer Session classes.

June 3, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer Sessions below:
Summer l 1st Five Week (June 3 – July 5)
10-Week (June 3 – Aug. 9)
Final date to drop 13-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

June 4, Tuesday – Noon
May Intersession final grade report due

June 4, Tuesday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund.

Change-of-course period ends for 1st Five Week Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

Change-of-course period ends for 10-Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

June 7, Friday
Final date to drop 1st Five Week Summer Session or 10-Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

Graduate School graduates: Final date to make degree application for August graduation.

June 21, Friday
Final date to officially withdraw from an 8-Week course or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for nonattendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

June 27, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 1st Five Week Summer Session classes or the university with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 4, Thursday
Independence Day Holiday. Campus is closed.

July 5, Friday
Final examinations for 1st Five Week Summer Session classes 2nd Five Week Summer Session
Excess Aid Direct Deposits Available & Checks Mailed
Payment Due for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes

July 8, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer ll 2nd Five Week (July 8 – Aug. 9) Summer Session classes.

July 9, Tuesday – Noon
1st Five Week Summer Session final grade report due

July 9, Tuesday
Final date to drop 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 100% refund
Change-of-course period ends for 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes
Final date to register
Final date to add classes
Final date to change from credit to audit or audit to credit

July 12, Friday
Final date to drop a 2nd Five Week Summer Session classes and receive a 75% refund. No refund after this date.

July 18, Thursday
Final date to officially withdraw from 13-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for nonattendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 22, Monday
Instruction begins for Summer III Three-Week (July 22 – Aug 9) Summer Session classes.

July 23, Tuesday
Final date to drop Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive 100% refund.

July 24, Wednesday
Final date to officially withdraw from 10-Week Summer Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for nonattendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

July 26, Friday
Final date to drop a Three-Week Summer III Session classes and receive a 75% refund. 0% refund after this date.

August 1, Thursday
Final date to withdraw from 2nd Five-Week Summer ll Session classes with a W grade unless already dropped for nonattendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 6, Tuesday
Final date to officially withdraw from Three-Week Summer Session III classes with a W grade unless already dropped for non-attendance. After this date, no withdrawals are permitted and no W grades are recorded.

August 9, Friday
Final examinations for 13-Week, 10-Week, 2nd Five-Week Summer ll and Summer III Session classes

August 10, Saturday

Graduate Summer Commencements
9:00AM – Ceremony I
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
College of Business
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences – Communication Sciences and Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Psychology & Counseling, Exercise Science, Sport Management, School of Nursing

12PM (Noon) – Ceremony II
College of Education
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences – Physical Therapy, Health Science, Nutrition & Family Science

August 13, Tuesday – Noon
13-Week, 10-Week, and 2nd Five-Week Summer ll and Three-Week Summer III Session final grade report due.