Pregnant and Nursing Students

Pregnant students who need access to the classroom environment are welcome to request accommodations by clicking on the OARS Student Registration link through the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services website.

Some possible approved accommodations may include:

  • Courtesy Cart Services for mobility support
  • Allow for occasional breaks to pump milk
  • Table and Chair for classrooms with stationary desks for accessible seating
  • Hybrid Zoom Meetings for in person classes
  • Recording Lectures
  • Faculty Accommodation Meetings

Once you have completed the online application, our OARS front desk staff will call to schedule an appointment with an OARS advisor who will meet with you to discuss your request.  Once approved, students will receive an eligibility letter that provides directions on how to login to the myOARS database and directions on how to request approved accommodations.  Requesting your approved accommodations will help our office to coordinate and communicate accommodations and services on your behalf.

Pregnant students who need excused absences and medical leave for the classroom environment must discuss  solutions with their faculty.  For further information, see the   UCA Title IX website.