Asked and Answered

Where do I go for UCA’s coronavirus (COVID-19) updates and information?

UCA has created a new website for coronavirus updates and information at There you can find the latest COVID-19 communication and important information for employees, as well as resources.


How do Staff Senate volunteer hours work?

Starting September 1st, employees who volunteer for Staff Senate events can now earn up to 16 hours of leave time each calendar year that can be used anytime during the year, subject to supervisor approval.

Volunteer leave balances can never exceed 16 hours. An employee who accrues but does not take the 16 hours within the calendar year can carry over up to 16 hours for the next year.

Any time earned prior to September 1st, 2023 can be used (with supervisor approval) by December 31st of this year. Any unused hours over 16 will be forfeited for the upcoming year.

Staff Senate will still use these volunteer hours to fulfill professional development and scholarship funding requirements. If there are any questions, please contact StaffSenate at Staff Senate is excited for these new opportunities and look forward to continuing to serve as a voice for our staff.


How does an employee audit a course?

Anyone wishing to enroll in classes at UCA, including auditing a course must apply to the university. Please allow at least two weeks before the start of classes for your application to be processed.

After applying to the university, employees must also complete the application to audit a course and submit to the Registrar’s Office.

Board policy 623 establishes a discounted tuition rate for UCA employees. The tuition discount applies only to courses taken for credit. Audited courses do not qualify for the tuition discount. Employees auditing at UCA course will be required to pay tuition and fees for the course.

Note that per Act 678 of 1975, general student fees are waived for all individuals age 60 and older who apply for admission and enroll at a state institution of higher education.