Christina Griffin and Dr. Kevin Rowell to present poster at APA conference

Christina Griffin, Mental Health Counseling MS student, and Kevin Rowell have had their poster submission accepted for presentation at the APA annual convention in August 2018. The poster is an epidemiological study entitled “Pre-Disaster Psychiatric Predictors of Post-Disaster Major Depressive Disorder among Chilean Adults.”

Doctoral students Sarah Lindeman & Jon Nolan have papers accepted for publication

Lindeman, S., Nolan, J., & Maragakis, A. (In Press). The epidemiology of medical diseases and associated behavioral risk factors. Chapter in Behavioral medicine and integrated care: Efficient delivery of the most effective treatment. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Lindeman, S. & Maragakis, A. (In Press). Obesity. In Maragakis, A. & O’Donohue, W.T.(Eds.). Principle-Based Stepped Care and Brief Psychotherapy for Integrated Care Settings. New York: Springer Publishing Company

Dr. Bill Lammers and Alleshia Byrd (graduate student) will publish article on student-instructor rapport

Lammers, W. J., & Byrd, Alleshia, A. (2018). Student gender and instructor gender as predictors of student-instructor rapport. Accepted for publication in Teaching of Psychology.

This article began as Alleshia Byrd’s Honors in the Major project when she was an undergraduate student.

Dr. Alberto Soto has chapter accepted for publication

Congrats to Dr. Alberto Soto on the acceptance of his chapter in the upcoming 3rd edition of Psychotherapy Relationships that Work!

Soto, A., Smith, T. B., Griner, D., Domenech Rodriguez, M., & Bernal, G. (In Press). Cultural Adaptations and Multicultural Competence. In J. Norcross and B. Wampold (Eds.), Psychotherapy Relationships That Work (3rd ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Graduate Student co-author publication

Congrats to Jon Nolan and Sarah Lindeman for this upcoming publication!

Maragakis, A., Lindeman, S., & Nolan, J. (in press) Evidence based and intensity specific services in the integrated care setting: Ethical considerations for a developing field. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice

Dr. Femina Varghese and graduate students have article accepted for publication

Dr. Femina Varghese and two of her Counseling graduate students, Josh Root and Jon Nolan, had the following article accepted for publication. Congrats!
Varghese, F., Root, J., & Nolan, J. (Accepted).  Division 18 presidential address: The future of public service psychology.  Psychological Services.

Two Graduate Students Co-Author Article

Morgan Bullard (Mental Health Counseling) and Chayla Rutledge (School Psychology) co-authored an article, along with Dr. Patty Koeler-Evans, in International Research in Higher Education. Congrats to all!
Bullard, M.B., Rutledge, C.D., Kohler-Evans, P. (2017). Using the Stages of Concern Questionnaire to Ensure Professional Development with Teachers and Teacher Candidates. International Research in Higher Education. Vol. 2, No. 4; 2017

Dr. John Murphy Presents Keynote Address

Dr. John Murphy, Professor of Psychology & Counseling, presented a keynote address on November 9th, 2017 entitled, “The One Thing: Becoming Better by Harnessing the Most Powerful Element of Counseling” at the Annual Fall Conference of the Arkansas Counseling Association in Hot Springs, AR.

Doctoral Student, Cory Cobb, presents at Arkansas State Hospital

Counseling Psychology doctoral student, Cory Cobb, presented a professional development workshop at the Arkansas State Hospital Department of Psychology on November 15, 2018, titled, “The Multicultural Orientation: An Alternative Approach to Competency-Based Models.”

Former Masters Graduate Publishes Counseling Book

Congratulations to Counseling Psychology MS graduate, Dr. Meg Omonishi, on the publication of a book titled, “Americans see a Psychiatrist Casually. ” The book reflects on her clinical experiences treating both Japanese and American clients. It was published in Japan for a Japanese audience and includes a comparison of American and Japanese approaches to mental health and reactions to psychological treatment.

Meg is currently in practice in New York City, where she provides psychological services for Japanese speaking clients in an integrated healthcare setting. She was recently on campus and shared a copy of her book.