Nicole Wable Hatfield Scholarship

The Nicole Wable Hatfield Scholarship is open to participants in summer programs and also to semester exchange students. Please read the application for eligibility requirements and deadlines. Please submit the application online by stated deadlines.

There is an essay requirement with this application so be prepared to upload this document (no more than 1 page). In a separate document, please give a brief explanation of your plans. Include why you think this experience will contribute to your academic and career goals. Essay must be typed and submitted along with this application form. No minimum length requirement, essay should not exceed one page.

 The Nicole Wable Hatfield International Study Scholarship was established in 2004 by her husband, Gene Hatfield, and their children, to honor Nicole’s legacy of teaching, and inspiring UCA students to travel and education abroad.

A native of Montreuil-sur-mer, France, Mrs. Hatfield traveled extensively as a tutor, language instructor, and teacher. She was selected as a 1953 Fulbright Scholar, spending her year studying English Literature at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. She married Gene Hatfield, an artist, and UCA art teacher in 1957, in her hometown. They made their home in Conway, where Mrs. Hatfield taught French in the UCA Foreign Languages department for 38 years. From her vast and varied experiences, Nicole understood the transformative value of living and studying in a country different from one’s native culture.

Her family and numerous friends endowed the scholarship, enabling UCA students to benefit from their own experiences, and developing their global perspective.