What You Need to Know for Academic Success in Your 2022-2023 Classes
The pandemic shifted many things online and while the 2022-2023 year will hopefully be back to “normal,” some classes and events will continue to utilize hybrid technologies, so keep your online learning skills sharp and know how your classes are being offered this year. These and other skills will be key to your success!
Review the information below and give us a shout if you have questions or need assistance. Our peer success coaches and tutors are glad to help out. Drop us an email at studentsuccess@uca.edu or tutoring@uca.edu if you have questions.
Here’s a quick guide to different types of classes (“instructional models”) that you might have:
Traditional (face-to-face or “f2f”)
Hybrid Delivery
- Face-to-face (f2f) sessions may be held in some classes, with social distancing and masks required as needed.
- Synchronous class sessions meet online in real time. You will need to be online during the scheduled course time with your camera and mic ready.
- Asynchronous class sessions allow you to work independently online.
Some professors may opt to offer their course completely online as either asynchronous (on your own schedule) or synchronous (virtual but at the scheduled time), or a combination of both. You will need to use Blackboard and possibly Zoom or Google Meet to access your course.
- Synchronous class sessions meet online in real time. You will need to be online during the scheduled course time with your camera and mic ready.
- Asynchronous class sessions allow you to work independently online.
More strategies for academic success include:
Stay on Schedule
Create a weekly schedule that includes class sessions, blocks for studying and working on assignments, and self-care time. Whether your class is meeting f2f or virtually (synchronously or asynchronously), plan when you will work on course assignments and do it. If it helps, stick to your original course schedule and work on those classes at that time, even if they are asynchronous.
Success Tips: Students often think they’ll work on whatever needs to be worked on “when they get to it.” Don’t fall into this trap. Think of your classes as your job. You’re on the clock. Develop a weekly schedule that includes set times to study, exercise, socialize (safely!), eat, binge Netflix, play video games, and sleep. Then follow your schedule.
Know your Tech
We are online now more than ever, so here are a few things to do:
- Be sure you have access to a reliable PC or Mac computer, and good internet access.
- Required specs can be found here.
- Need a laptop? Click here for information on UCA’s Laptop Initiative
- Know how to use UCA’s LMS, Blackboard, as well as Zoom and Google Classroom.
- Upload UCA’s Navigate app to your phone for information on events, resources, and more, or find it through myUCA l Navigate.
Improve your Study Skills and Habits
No one is born a perfect student. To improve your study skills, check out the many online StudentLingo workshops available through myUCA l StudentLingo. There are also helpful videos on time management, active reading strategies, test-taking skills, and ways to improve your focus on YouTube. Need individual assistance? Contact a UCA Peer Coach or Tutor by making an appointment online or by emailing studentsuccess@uca.edu.
Success Tips: Students often try to study for long stretches of time. Don’t. It’s better for your brain to study for shorter periods of time (30 minutes?), take a short break to eat or check Instagram, and then study for another 30 minutes. If you find your “breaks” are getting too long, set a timer!
“Go” to Class … Even Online
When you “go to class” online, prepare as if you were going to an actual classroom.
DO mak
e sure your workspace is functional. It should include a supportive chair, good lighting, and all of the materials and technology needed for class.
DON’T attend class while lying in bed or driving!
DO participate in online classes, just as you would in a f2f class. Have your camera on. Be ready to unmute and respond to questions. Use the chat feature when prompted. Engage with your learning!
Ask for help
College is an academic community. As part of that community, you have peers and senior colleagues (professors and staff) here to help you. Visit your professor’s office hours (many are online this semester), or contact a tutor in Tutoring Services or the Center for Writing and Communication for help with an assignment or even with the technology. Concerned about your finances? Contact the Office of Financial Aid. The Counseling Center is also available for free assistance if you’re feeling anxious or stressed out. They even offer tele-counseling!
Success Tips: Take charge of YOUR education! It’s your degree. It’s your learning. What do you need to be successful? Do the work, but ask for help when needed. (It’s also your tuition and fees, so use your campus resources.)
Don’t Stress about Online and Don’t Give Up!
This year may have unique challenges, but it can be done if you commit to the success strategies outlined above. Remember, we’re all in this together. Here are several resources that might help if you’re especially concerned about online learning:
- A useful video shared by the UT Austin folks: Adjusting to Online Learning
- StudentLingo also offers several helpful online workshop videos, including one on How to Effectively Communicate Online (For this and other workshops, go to myUCA l StudentLingo.)