Dr. Marc Sestir and Ayisha Udochi to publish article

Congrats to Dr. Sestir and Ayisha Udochi on their upcoming publication.

Udochi, A., Kennedy, L. A., Sestir, M. A., & Wakim, C. A. (in press). An experimental analysis of emotion induction prior to reading a health narrative on personal risk perception, health intentions and behavior. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research.

Ms. Udochi is a recent graduate and currently a doctoral student at The University of Minnesota Twin Cities in their Personality, Individual Differences and Behavioral Genetics program.

Dr. Kevin Rowell receives certificate of recognition from APA

Certificate of Recognition for 6 years of service on the APA Disaster Resource Network national committee., American Psychological Association, July 16, 2019.

Dr. Kevin Rowell conducts workshop in China

Disaster Interventions: Psychological First Aid and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, Beijing University, Beijing, China, August 10, 2019 – August 14, 2019.

A 5-day workshop for 45 psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors on psychological first aid and critical incident stress debriefing.

Dr. Kevin Rowell publishes two articles

Ligon, K., Stoltz, K. B., Rowell, R. K., Lewis, V. J. (2019). An Empirical Investigation of the Kelley Followership Questionnaire Revised. Journal of Leadership Education, 18(3), 97-112.

Rowell, R. K. Screening for Dementia (Winter, 2019). Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative Quarterly, Vol. 26.

Dr. Dong Xie conducts workshop in China

Xie, D. (2019, July 3-5). Deliberate practice in training professional Chinese counselors. Workshop conducted at Oriental Insight Mental Health and Research Institute, Wuhan, China.

Dr. Dong Xie chairs symposium in China

Xie, D. (Chair) (2019, July). Multicultural counseling in China: Practice and research. Symposium chaired at the 6th Biannual Academic Conference of the Chinese Clinical and Counseling Psychology Registration System. Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China.

Dr. Dong Xie, Dr. Cory Cobb, and Fan Ding present research at APA

Xie, D., Yang, A., & Ding, F. (2019, August). Relationship between adult attachment and subjective well-being: A cross-nation comparison. Poster presented at American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.

Xie, D., Cobb, C. (2019, August). Going beyond counselor’s multicultural competence: A proposal for fostering client’s multiculturality. Poster presented at American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.

Dr. Cory Cobb, Dr. Dong Xie, and Sydney Skaggs have article accepted for publication

Congrats to recent graduate Cory Cobb, faculty member Dr. Dong Xie, and current doctoral student Sydney Skaggs on their upcoming publication!

Cobb, C. L., Zamboanga, B. L., Xie, D. Schwartz, S. J., Martinez, Jr.., C., & Skaggs, S. (in press). Associations among the advisory working alliance and research self-efficacy within a relational efficacy framework. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Dr. Marc Sestir discusses research on violent video games and mass shootings on KTHV 11

Link to interview


UCA Psi Chi Chapter recognized by the international honor society

Congratulations to our Psi Chi Chapter! This is the 12th year in a row that UCA Psi Chi has been recognized as a Model Chapter!