Getting Into Graduate School

At the meeting of the UCA Psychological Society on Thursday, Oct 10, Dr. Bill Lammers will discuss the ways in which you can optimize your chances of getting accepted into a graduate program.

School Psychology Graduate Selected School Psychology Specialist of the Year

Congrats to Allison Bowsman for being selected School Psychology Specialist of the Year at the annual meeting of the Arkansas School Psychology Association.

Meeting of the Arkansas Psychological Association (ArPA)

Opportunities for clinicians, academics, graduate students, and undergraduate students to listen to invited speakers, attend seminars, present posters, and network with professionals. Click here to visit the ArPA website and obtain more detailed information about the conference on October 10-11 on the UCA campus.

Department Awarded National Institutes of Health Grant

Elson BihmJoan SimonPaul Nail


Congratulations to Drs. Nail, Simon, and Bihm for obtaining a two-year grant to study aggessive behavior of children in the school setting.

It’s 6 in a Row for Our Psi Chi Chapter!


For the 6th consecutive year, our chapter of the Psi Chi International Honor Society has received the award of Model Chapter by the international organization. Congratulations to advisor Dr. Shawn Charlton, the Psi Chi officers, and the Psi Chi members.

Congrats to Dr. Anderson

andersondCongratulations to Dr. Darshon Anderson for receiving a grant from APA’s Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training in Psychology!!
This research will assess the number of ethnic minority male and female faculty members hired within departments of psychology from academic years 2000-2012 for two and four year colleges and universities in Arkansas. This project will also investigate the number of tenure vs. non-tenure track ethnic minority faculty.  Finally, other factors influencing ethnic minority representation will be gathered such as administrative support for hiring, retention, faculty development for this population and barriers for employment.

Congrats to Dr. Varghese!

fvargheseDr. Femina Varghese has been elected President of American Psychological Association Division 18 (Psychologists in Public Service) AND has been named the recipient of the 2013 Division 18 Early Career Achievement Award! This award is in recognition of her outstanding contributions to Public Service Psychology.  The award will be presented at the Division 18 Business Meeting at the APA Convention in Hawaii.


Congrats to Bob Bailey

bob baileyCongratulations to Bob Bailey (seen with Dr. Art Gillaspy) for receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of Central Arkansas. For over 20 years, Bob and his now deceased wife Marian Breland Bailey provided the UCA Department of Psychology & Counseling with invited speeches, slideshows, and animal training workshops.

Annual Department Awards Reception

We had a wonderful evening at Michelangelo’s rooftop in Downtown Conway with students, their families, faculty and alumni. Congrats to all who received awards, especially Casey Brasfield for receiving the Richard A. Scott Outstanding Psychology Student Award and a check for $750. Runners-up for the award were Paula Simons and Jerod Hogan.

Congrats to Kendra Anderson on Manuscript Acceptance

Kendra Anderson (doctoral student in the counseling program), along with Dr. Varghese and several undergraduate students have had a manuscript accepted for publication:

Anderson, K. M., Varghese, F. P., Trower, E., Sandlin, L. & Norwood, N. (accepted). Perceptions of African American college applicants: The roles of race, criminal history and qualifications. Race and Social Problems. Manuscript Accepted for Publication.