Dr. Christina Jeffrey publishes article

Congrats Dr. Jeffrey!

Jeffrey, C. E., Peltier, C., & Vannest, K. J. (2020). The effects of an online psychoeducational workshop to decrease anxiety and increase empowerment in victims of trolling and cyberbullying. Journal of Online Learning Research6(3), 267-298.  https://www.learntechlib.org/p/216915/

Undergraduate students and faculty (Reed, Lammers) publish research

Congrats to five undergraduate psychology students recently published research articles in the Journal of Psychological Inquiry with Dr. Darshon Reed and Dr. Bill Lammers as faculty advisors.
Wells, D., Rupp, K., Martin, A., & Anderson, D. (2020).  Incorporating accountability and coordination in fitness plans to increase goal progress, Journal of Psychological Inquiry, 24, 37-41.
Key, C., McCluskey, D., & Lammers, W (Advisor). (2020).  Big five personality traits of students, perceived traits of instructors, and student-instructor rapport, Journal of Psychological Inquiry, 24, 11-16.

Dr. John Murphy presents workshop at Clovis (CA) Unified School District

Dr. John Murphy presented the first of a 2-part online training workshop on Solution-Focused Counseling in Schools for school psychologists, counselors, and other mental health professionals of the Clovis (CA) Unified School District on November 2, 2020. 
Murphy, J. J. (2020, November). Solutionfocused counseling in schools: Part 1. Online training workshop presented to mental health personnel of Clovis (CA) Unified School District.

Dr. Christina Jeffrey gives talk at Arkansas Psychological Association

Congrats to Dr. Jeffrey on this very timely and important talk at the Arkansas Psychological Association conference!

Duvivier, L. L., Jeffrey, C. E., Mesidor, M., & Prichard, E. C. (October 2020). Racism in the Therapy Room. Invited talk at the Arkansas Psychological Association Conference, Little Rock, AR.

Jordan Pyle-Mackenzie receives Graduate Teaching Instructor Award

Congrats to Jordan Mackenzie for receiving the annual Graduate Teaching Instructor Award from members of the department Teaching and Instructional Effectiveness Committee.

Dr. John Murphy discusses book with students at Temple University

Dr. John Murphy served as an invited guest speaker for Ed.S. and Ph.D. school psychology students at Temple University on October 20, 2020. He provided a lecture and answered questions about his book, Solution-Focused in Schools, 3/e that is used in Temple’s school psychology program.

Dr. John Murphy conducts workshops for Arkansas Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect

Dr. John Murphy presented three invited online workshops for social workers, foster parents, case managers, psychotherapists, and other mental health workers at the recent 2020 Arkansas Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect.

Murphy, J. J. (2020, October 16). Solution-focused practice with people managing trauma [Conference Session]. 2020 Arkansas Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.

Murphy, J. J. (2020, October 15). Practical strategies for building cooperative alliances [Conference Session]. 2020 Arkansas Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.

Murphy, J. J. (2020, October 15). Brief solution-focused counseling with young people and families [Conference Session]. 2020 Arkansas Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.

Dr. John Murphy conducts online training webinar

Dr. John Murphy presented a 4-part online training webinar on September 1st, 3rd, 8th & 10th, 2020, entitled, “Solution-Focused Counseling in Schools,” to the Maine Association of School Psychologists (MASP).  
Murphy, J. J. (2020, September). Solution-focused counseling in schools. Online training webinar for the the Maine Association of School Psychologists.

Dr. Caitlin Masterson, Visiting Assistant Professor, publishes article

Maerlender, A., Masterson, C. J., Norris, R. & Hinthorne, A. (2020). Validating Tackle Mechanics in American Football: Improving Safety and Performance. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-020-02625-7
Congrats Dr. Masterson!

Dr. Brian Bolter, along with students Ashley Hall and Sarah Morgan Parsons present research

University of Central Arkansas students Ashley Hall and Sarah Morgan Parsons presented virtually their research team’s study entitled “The Effects of Wellness Interventions on Students’ Stress and Optimism” at Sorbonne Université’s Tenth International Health, Wellness, and Society Conference on September 3, 2020. The Health, Wellness & Society Research Network is brought together by a common concern in the fields of human health and wellness, and in particular their social interconnections and implications.