Psi Chi Pizza Social

All members of UCA Psi Chi are invited to a Pizza Social at Larry’s Pizza at 5:30 pm on Tue, Aug 30.

Psychology and Counseling Diversity Summit

The Department of Psychology & Counseling will host a diversity summit on Oct 7, 2016. Join us!

Psychology Diversity Summit Flyer


Drs. Cindy Mikeal, Art Gillaspy, Mike Scoles, & John Murphy to publish dissertation research

Dr. Cindy Mikeal’s dissertation research has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Counseling Psychology, Full citation is below:

Mikeal, C. W., Gillaspy, J. A., Scoles, M. T., Murphy, J. J., (in press). A dismantling study of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Dr. Mikeal received her PhD in August 2016 and will be joining the Psychology Staff at an area hospital.

Undergraduate PSYC Major awarded scholarship

Emily Hahn (Psychology Undergraduate) has been awarded a Psi Chi International Undergraduate Scholarship. Emily is one of four undergraduates nationwide to receive this award (the other winners are from Florida State University, New York University, and University of Colorado). Emily is a great student who is very engaged in our chapter of Psi Chi, in Psych Society, and with her research internship at UAMS.

Congrats Emily!!

Dr. Varghese becomes Associate Editor of Journal

Dr. Femina Varghese has been appointed to Associate Editor for the journal, Psychological Services, a leading journal of the Amerifvarghesecan Psychological Association. Congratulations Dr. Varghese!


Doctoral Student (Ryan Southerland) makes presentation

Counseling Psychology doctoral student, Ryan Southerland, presented a workshop titled, “Introduction to Motivational Interviewing”, at the Arkansas Juvenile Officers Association
Summer Conference on July 22, 2016.

Article to be published by Cory Cobb and Dr. Dong Xie

A article by Counseling Psychology doctoral student, Cory Cobb, and his advisor, Dr. Dong Xie, has been accepted for publication. Reference below. Congrats to Cory and Dr. Xie!

Cobb, C., Xie, D., Meca, A., & Schwartz, S. (In press). Acculturation, Discrimination, and Depression among Unauthorized Latinos/as in the U.S. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

Department adds new Minor in Health Psychology

Minor in Health Psychology


Graduate Student awarded UCA scholarship

Kim Gentry, a fourth year doctoral student in the school psychology program, is the recipient of the UCA Foundation’s Charles and Nadine Baum Scholarship for the 2016-17 school year. We are proud of her accomplishments and are not surprised she would be highly competitive for such an award.

Congratulations Kim!

Psyc undergraduate receives Psi Chi Summer Research grant

Gardiner Sanders (undergraduate; BS) was selected to receive a $5,000 Psi Chi Summer Research Grant for his project: “Collective Self-Esteem and the Rejection-Identification Model among African American Adults: A Moderated Mediation Analysis.”

Dr. Charlton is the faculty sponsor for the project.

Congratulations to Gardiner!