Scott Austin, PhD
Associate Professor
CCCS 108
(501) 450-5907
PhD, Physics, Arizona State University (1995)
Personal Web Page: http://faculty.uca.edu/saustin/Astronomy/scott_austin.html
Research: Variable stars, spectroscopy, photometry, asteroid astrometry.
Recent Publications:
Late-Type Near-Contact Eclipsing Binary [HH97] FS Aur-79, Austin, S. J., Robertson, J. W., Tycner, C., Campbell T., and Honeycutt, R. K. 2007, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 133, Issue 5, pp. 1934-1946
An Eclipsing Near Contact Short Period Binary in the Field of FS Aur, Robertson, J. W., Austin, S. J., Campbell, T., Hoskins, J., 2004, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 5536
- American Astronomical Society
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- American Association of Physics Teachers
- International Dark-Sky Association
- Southwest Association of Planetariums
Professional Biography:
Scott Austin was born and grew up in Michigan. He completed a a B.S. in physics from Michigan State University in 1987. In 1995 he finished his PhD work at Arizona State University. His dissertation “V1974 Cygni 1992: Optical and Ultraviolet Evolution and Analysis” concerned his work on the classical nova outburst of Nova Cygni 1992. This work included using both ground-based and space-based observatories. Scott became a faculty member of the University of Central Arkansas Department of Physics & Astronomy in the fall of 2000. He has taught Descriptive Astronomy, Physical Science, College Physics, University Physics and much of the upper division physics offerings. He runs the UCA Observatory, where he has implemented a series of upgrades, runs public observing nights, and does and mentors research projects. These projects include near-earth asteroid astrometry, emission star spectroscopy, and variable-star time-series-photometry. He is also the acting director of the Griffin Planetarium.