Department News

New Math Resource Lab

In fall 2014 a new Math Resource Lab (MRL), mainly for math tutoring and student group study,  was opened on the first floor the Math & CS building.  Several mathematics faculty members and all graduate teaching assistants provide students with tutoring from college algebra to calculus.   The lab is usually open from 10 AM to 8 PM on the week days and 10 AM to 4 PM on Saturday and  2PM to 6 PM on Sunday. The MRL, remodeled from two small classrooms, now provides dry erase walls for students to use, 10 desktop computers with the internet connection,  and two data projectors. There were a total of 2,359 student visits to the  Lab during the 2014-15 academic year.  The total included 631 student visits seeking help in calculus.

Here’s what our students have to say about the Math Resource Lab:

“It’s a great place to hang our and discuss homework in a relaxed environment. Plus there’s ample room to write it out on the white boards.” Erika Sparkman, senior, pure math major.

“Prior to the math resource lab, I had a difficult time organizing study time. Now I have a place to go everyday! It has been the greatest resource for me as a math major!” Jamie Mullins, junior, pure math STEM Teach major.

“The new math resource lab has been a fantastic place to meet in groups as well as work individually on homework and projects. The math faculty has utilized the facility very well in providing assistance with homework and projects.” Perry Claunch, senior, applied math major.

“It’s convenient and the white board space is awesome!” Christina Junkans, senior, pure math major.

Students clearly appreciated having a common place to study and where they can get help if needed. The Mathematics Department is very excited to provide such a great resource to it’s students!


May 2015 Faculty News

Congratulations to Dr. R.B. Lenin for receiving tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor. Also, congratulations are due to Ms. Loi Booher for receiving promotion to Lecturer II.

2015 Summer Student Research in Mathematics

The following students received stipends from the Department of Mathematics to conduct research on various applied mathematics and mathematics education topics  in summer 2015.

Graduate students : Brandon Ashley ( Applied Math) , Seth Bloomberg (Applied Math), Kaiyi Chen (Applied Math), Thomas Deathrage (Applied Math), Jaime Garcia (Applied Math), Haley Lafoon (Math Education) and Rebecca Moody (Applied Math).

Undergraduate Students: Cyrus Koch ( Math Education), Erika Sparkman (Applied Math) and James Palmer (Applied Math).


Computer Coding 2015

Image of binary numbersThis summer the department of mathematics, the department of computer science, and the STEM institute at UCA will jointly host a summer program designed to get our youth involved in programming and problem solving.

For more information, see the registration page on Google docs.

Student Awards

Congratulations to the recipients of  2015 student awards:

2015 O.L. Hughes Award.

William Kyle Barker received 2015 O.L. Hughes Award, which is annually presented to an outstanding senior mathematics major. The award is given in the memory of late Professor O.L. Hughes, who was the chair of the Math Department at UCA in late 70’s to mid 80’s.  Barker graduated in Spring’15 with a BS degree in Mathematics and  will join the Department of  Mathematics  at the University of Pittsburg  this coming fall to pursue a doctoral degree.


2015  Dorothy Long Award.

Jamie L. Mullins received the 2015 Dorothy Long Award, annually presented to an outstanding female junior. The award is given in the honor of late Professor Dorothy Long, who was a mathematics faculty member and the Dean of Women at UCA in 60’s.


2015 Graduate Student Award

Brandon Ashley received the 2015 outstanding graduate teaching assistantship award. This summer Brandon is working on a research project in bio-mathematics with Dr. Weijiu Liu.  Brandon is expected to complete his masters degree in applied mathematics by spring 2016.


MSIT 2015

This summer the department will again be hosting MSIT – a Mathematics, Science & Information Technology Summer Academy. It is a one week program for high school students. The two tracks offered are Coding and Decoding Secret Messages and Web Programming Using HTML, Javascript, and PHP.




For more information, see the brochure.

Redesigned Website

The department has adopted a new design for our website and has introduced a page for departmental news.