At the Math Department’s annual spring picnic held at the home of Uma and Ramsh Garimella on April 22, student awards for 2016 were presented. Each awardee received a gift card and a certificate of recognition.
O.L. Hughes Award was presented to Jamie Mullins. This award is presented every spring to a senior in mathematics who has an exemplary academic record. Jamie received her BS degree in pure mathematics at the 2016 Spring Commencement and will join the Department as a graduate student in Mathematics Education in Fall 2016.
Dorothy Long Award was given to Diana Morales. This award is presented every year to a junior female mathematics student who has an exemplary academic record. Diana is active in undergraduate research and co-presented a poster in January at the national Joint Meetings of AMS & MAA in Seattle, Washington.
Graduate students Haley Laffoon and Robert Habimana were co-recipients of this year’s Outstanding Graduate Student Award. Haley received her MA degree in Mathematics Education at the 2016 Spring Commencement and will join the Episcopla Collegiate School in Little Rock as a mathematics teacher. Robert was mentored by late Dr. Clarence Burg and is currently finishing up his master’s thesis in applied mathematics with Dr. Danny Arrigo and is expected to receive his MS degree in August 2016.