April Spotlight

wards-187x280Steve Ward

Clinical Instructor II

Department of Teaching and Learning

Educational Background

Native Arkansan (Hot Springs) and UCA Bear to the core: undergraduate (B.S. and B.S.E) and graduate (M.S.E).

How long have you been at UCA & the College of Education?

UCA has been a part of my life since 1989. As a student, I’ve been an undergraduate, a post-baccalaureate, and a graduate student. As an employee, I’ve been a staff member (Registrar’s Office 1993 – 1995), a graduate assistant (English Department 1995-1996), an adjunct faculty member (2004 – 2006) and a full-time faculty member (since 2006).

What courses do you teach?

Introduction to Middle Level Education
Classroom Management for Middle and Secondary Education
Development & Learning
Internship Supervision for Middle Level Education

What is your favorite class to teach? Why?

Classroom Management. My students are senior education students who will soon be teachers. They are focused and motivated. They make teaching fun.

Describe a memorable teaching experience you’ve had at UCA & the College of Education.

My favorite teaching days are the ones when I try something new and it works.  I like the planning part of teaching, so working hard to plan an engaging (hopefully) lesson and then watching students enjoy class is a great feeling.

What excites you most about teaching?

I hope that what I teach has the potential to benefit my students when they become teachers.

What’s the most important thing you hope students learn from you?

Teaching requires practice, patience and persistence.

Why did you pursue your field?

I’ve had some great teachers who made a difference in my life, both at Lake Hamilton High School and at UCA.

Tell us an interesting fact or lesson from one of your courses.

The most interesting topics I teach are classroom management strategies for managing teenagers (that also happen to work on spouses and co-workers).

How would you describe UCA & College of Education students?

Overall, UCA students are friendly, respectful, and hard-working.

What are some ways you’ve interacted with students outside the classroom?

I often run into former students who are now teaching middle school. It’s great to see the confident, effective teachers they’ve become.

What do you most like about working at the College of Education?

The people, including staff, faculty, and students. I also have a sweet office.

What’s your favorite place on campus? Why?

The courtyard between the two wings of Bernard Hall. I met my wife at UCA, and she lived in Bernard Hall. We spent a lot of hours sitting in that courtyard. Also the walkway between Arkansas Hall and Snow Fine Arts. I lived in Arkansas Hall my freshman year, and I could usually hear the music majors singing and practicing their instruments. Walking through there reminds me of my first year on campus.

What are your interests & hobbies?

I like spending time with my wife and kids. I also like playing racquetball with a group of guys from UCA.

What is your favorite book, TV, and/or movie series?

Parks and Recreation is my all time favorite show.

What is your favorite song to sing?

Movin’ Out by Billy Joel and Against All Odds by Phil Collins.

What would your superpower be?

Flying. And super strength.

What is something you’re really good at that no one knows?

Pretty good cook.