February Spotlight

GavelMarissa Gavel

Clinical Instructor (Pre-K Teacher)

Child Study Center

Educational Background

I graduated from UCA in 2013 with a BSE in Early Childhood Education P-4.

How long have you been at UCA & the College of Education?

This is just my second year here.

Why did you pursue your field?

My reasons for getting into this field are likely no different than anyone else’s reasons.  I love kids and I love to teach!  In what other career could one get to sing songs and dance and have fun all day!?

What excites you most about your job?

Just knowing that I’m going to have lots of laughs each day when I’m at work.  Teaching preschool has GOT to be the most fun job ever! Seeing the growth in the kids throughout the year is really rewarding, too.

What’s the most important thing you hope you pass on to others?

I want to instill in my kids a love for learning.  I want them to be excited to come to school.

Finish the sentence: “You know you’re at UCA when…”

…you can’t find a parking space.  Although, luckily as a teacher that gets to school at 7:00-7:30, I don’t have that problem anymore.  But y’all know the struggle! 🙂

What are some ways you’ve interacted with students outside the classroom?

I have a feeling that “students” in this question is referring to COE students.  My students are 4 and 5 years old, though.  I have gone to several of their birthday parties. No COE students have invited me to their birthday party, though… yet. 🙂

What advice would you give to prospective students?

SAVE EVERYTHING! You’ll get lots of great ideas throughout the years that you can use in the classroom later on.  It’s also really neat to look back and see how you’ve grown throughout the years.

What’s your favorite place on campus? Why?

The HPER, even though I don’t really utilize it that often.  It is such an amazing facility.

What are your favorite places in Conway, Central Arkansas, and beyond?

My favorite place in Conway would probably have to be home sweet home.  Boring answer, but I can be a homebody sometimes! My very most favorite place in Arkansas is Ponca.  I love going to see the elk and floating the Buffalo River.  Beyond that, am I allowed to have my favorite place be somewhere I’ve never been? If so, I looove the areas surrounding the Rockies (Colorado, Wyoming, Montana).  I hope to be able to visit Colorado over spring break or the summer.

What are your interests & hobbies?

I can’t pick just one.  Whatever I’m reading or watching at the time is my favorite.  I just finished Parks and Recreation on Netflix.  That is “LITerally” one of my favorite shows ever.

What would your superpower be?

I would be a shapeshifter! Best superpower to have because I can be and do anything imaginable! Would of course use my powers for good.