January Spotlight

lindaLinda Horton

Administrative Specialist III

Office of Candidate Services

How long have you been at UCA & the College of Education?

9 1/2 years

What do you do in your position with the College of Education?

I am the front line person for teacher admission and help them with the steps through the admission process.  I work with all departments to ensure that the students are ready for the interview process.  I assist Dr. Bunn in seeing that all paperwork is complete when students graduate and sending paperwork to the Department of Education.

Why did you pursue your field?

I enjoy working with students and helping them.  I owned and operated a pre-school for 13 years and I loved working with the children and the parents, seeing how the children improved and how each one learned was so interesting.  I have just moved to bigger children but  still helping and seeing them learn has been so wonderful.

Describe a memorable experience you’ve had at UCA & the College of Education.

I was Employee of the Quarter in 2013-2014.

What excites you most about your job?

Helping students and working with such wonderful people.

What’s the most important thing you hope you pass on to others?

Never give up!!!

How would you describe UCA & College of Education students?

They are very engaged in learning and can’t wait to be in the classroom.

Finish the sentence: “You know you’re at UCA when…”

You see purple everywhere!

Has anything surprised you about UCA & the College of Education?

I am amazed at all the hard work that goes into being a teacher.

What do you most like about working at the College of Education?

The close connection that the college has with one another.

What advice would you give to prospective students?

It is hard work but stick it out and you can make a difference in a child’s life.

What’s your favorite place on campus? Why?

I would have to say my office because that is where I am comfortable and enjoy doing my job.

What are your favorite places in Conway, Central Arkansas, and beyond?

I love all the eating places we have in Conway.  I especially love Toad Suck Bucks.

What are your interests & hobbies?

I love reading and watching movies with my husband.

What is your favorite book, TV, and/or movie series?

Doc Marten – TV series.  Books by Nicholas Sparks.

What is your favorite song to sing?

I love Christmas songs.

What is something you’re really good at that no one knows?

I love to clean my house.

What is your favorite instrument? Why?

Guitar and banjo.  I grew up listening to my dad play and still love hearing it today.

If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

I would like to be Goofy because I love to make people laugh..