Kappa Delta Pi Learns Job Hunting Strategies at February Meeting

Kappa Delta Pi met Thursday, February 13 to learn job hunting strategies from experts in the field of education. Mrs. Lora Hendrix, administrator for South Conway County School District, and Mr. David Cawein, Vice-president of Green Bay Packaging and former school board president, shared job hunting strategies with members and guests in attendance. Three strategic areas were shared: doing research and preparation before the interview, how to answer questions during the interview, and how to follow-up after the interview. All who attended learned a great deal to help them with their future job search.

Amy Chronis, KDP officer, is practicing an interview question with David Cawein and Lora Hendrix, both from South Conway School District.

Amy Chronis, KDP officer, is practicing an interview question with David Cawein and Lora Hendrix, both from South Conway School District.

Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education. Pi Beta is the chapter on the UCA campus. KDP promotes and encourages teacher leadership for pre-service and practicing teachers. If you are interested in this organization, contact counselors Mara Cawein or Dr. Nancy Gallavan in the Department of Teaching & Learning in Mashburn, College of Education.