A Spotlight on Advisors

UCA Advisors put our UCA students first.  

Interaction with our Students
(Aug-March only)

Individual Advisors:

  • Number of appointments: 11,245
  • Number of Navigate emails: 75,830
  • Number of Google emails: 62,618

Advising Department:

  • Number of Advising texts/emails to students: 151,463
  • Number of advising@uca.edu emails: 2,679

Total number of interactions with students: 306,835

Nearly Half of Students Lack Key Academic Guidance

According to a recent survey of students…

  • 55% have been advised on courses
  • 32% have talked about career goals and major
  • 19% have been advised on resources and successful outcomes

Inside Higher Ed, February 28, 2023

But UCA is Different

UCA Results

  • 92% have been advised on courses
  • 93% have talked about career goals and major
  • 91% have been advised on resources and successful outcomes

Fall Semester – 2023

Meet our College Advisors:

Honors College

College of Health and Behavioal Science 

College of Education

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 

College of Science and Engineering 

College of Business