NCTE Presentation – Augmented Reality

NCTE logoUCA Associate Professor, Donna Wake, and second year Benton School District teacher, Amy Dibble, presented recently at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) annual conference in Washington, D.C. The conference drew over 5000 attendees and hosted over 600 sessions from 2000 submitted proposals.

IMG_2658Wake and Dibble presented a project entitled Using Augmented Reality to Write the Story of Science Fiction. The project was enacted in Benton Middle School in May 2014. The middle school students in the project co-authored and co-illustrated a group narrative based on their study of Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. They then used their narrative and visuals to shoot a paper-slide video which they linked to a new technology tool called Aurasma. The Aurasma app recognizes a trigger image (the cover page of the project illustration sequence) and then directs the mobile device to related, interactive content. In this case, the content was the paper slide video authored and narrated by the students.